Looking to submit to one of Epona Muse Publishing's anthologies? We have topics available for #neurodivergent burnout, grief, and publishing while chronically ill. I'd love to fill our #autigender anthology by 9/30
#neurodivergent #autigender #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #spoonieauthor
Why is this?
There have been answers given in pathologising terms (theory of mind, ‘extreme male brain’)
What do Autistic people think? They asked seven trans participants, none identifying with the traditional gender binary
Absence of gender awareness in childhood, though more certain what their gender was *not*
‘Autigender’ was a useful term: difficult to separate Autistic and gendered parts of identity
#sarg2023 #trans #actuallyautistic #autigender
@CarrieHall1001 @actuallyautistic Well, that settles it. I guess I'm #autigender.
Anyone got good knowledge/resources for figuring out diferences in #trans / #agender / #autigender experience? Like what would be the differentiating factors in knowing how you feel about yourself?
I haven't made a new #introduction since I moved to this instance, so here it is:
I am Kaci, an #ActuallyAutistic, cis female #autigender, pan person who loves books, #StarTrek and watching the birds before sunrise. I live together with Beagle Lumi who is my best friend. I am a feminist and anarchist and my current special interests are deconstructing (neuro)normativity and becoming a vegan. English is my second language (the first one is German) so I make mistakes.
#introduction #actuallyautistic #autigender #startrek
Tulinpa taas muistutetuksi, siitä että vaaleanpunaisesta pitäminen, pitsillä sisustaminen,
ja iso lankavarasto eivät hämää oikein ketään: jotenkin se #Autigender vaan loistaa meikämansikasta noin kilometrin päähän, myös niille jotka eivät tiedä koko sanaa.
Ei tietenkään haittaa, muuten vaan ei-binäärisyyteensä havahtuminen aina välillä on jännä tunne.
Onneksi nykyään ymmärrän kuvion enkä kehitä stressiä siitä, olenko jotenkin väärin tai pitäisikö olla jotenkin eri lailla. 1/2
@BZBrainz @actuallyautistic There's an anthology still seeking submissions on #grief and other topics specifically for #neurodivergent individuals.
We're currently reading for grief & #burnout with an #AutiGender deadline coming on September 30.
#grief #neurodivergent #burnout #autigender
I didn't watch the videos but the text was informative.
Autigender and Neuroqueer: Two Words on the Relationship Between Autism and Gender That Fit Me - Stimpunks Foundation
>These two words helped me figure myself out more. Passing them along. Header art: “Autigender and Neuroqueer” by Betsy Selvam is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 Autigender Autigender is not […]
I wish I could find more information on #Autigender.
I guess it's too new still to have a ton load but it is so interesting to me.
I've called myself bisexual for 18 years now, though I've knows since I was 13.
But the way I found out about Autigender... It feels more fitting than bisexual.
Anyone out there with the same feelings? I'd love to chat about it. 😊
@Tattie the more I think about it the less it all makes sense and the more I relate to #autigender
This has really got me thinking about the #autigender label for the first time. Previously I didn't get it, like, ok, I'm trans, I'm autistic, but that doesn't mean autism has anything to do with my gender. But as I break things down it gets harder to figure out where the autism and the transness divide.
I'm getting more follows and understand better how I'm using the site, so I'll do an updated intro! I'm a #GenX #Punk and #Autistic #AutiGender with #CPTSD and work in #DataScience . I mostly post and boost about #Covid #ZeroCovid #WearAMask #ActuallyAutistic #Weather . I also strongly believe in and boost posts for #BlackMastodon #BLM #IndigenousRights #TransRights #DisabilityRights #LGBTQIA #Climate #Trees #AntiFascist #Compassion .
#genx #punk #autistic #autigender #cptsd #datascience #covid #ZeroCovid #WearAMask #actuallyautistic #weather #blackmastodon #blm #indigenousrights #transrights #disabilityrights #lgbtqia #climate #trees #AntiFascist #compassion
@vkfarfalle @faeofny @actuallyautistic
Your comment got my brain going down a rabbithole of rediscovering some old deep thoughts I've had.
I've daydreamed and humored the thought where I think I'd be perfectly happy to be the stay at home partner and my 'job' then becomes housekeeping and should children come into the picture, taking care of them during the day while my partner worked. I could then explore more of my special interests and I dare say potentially make them a nice side income.
As a cisgender AMAB, I have zero issues with this and it probably feeds off my autigender tendencies that I don't feel like such a move 'threatens my manhood' (to use what seems to be a common term in the toxic masculinity space) in any way. I think I could have a very happy life with such an arrangement.
The funny part about all this is I've had this internal thought process a number of times over the years, most of the time before I self-DXed and wasn't even remotely aware that I had AuDHD.
Sadly that requires having a partner to begin with let alone them being comfortable being the sole income.
#autigender #AuDHD #autism #actuallyautistic #adhd
i really appreciate having a buffet of gender identities. we don't need to pick just one!
i am:
- nonbinary
- genderfluid
- woman
- demi-femme
- bigender/multigender
- agender
‐ boy
some of these genders might seem like they conflict. but in addition to everything listed above, i am autigender! but i am also plural, and different alters express and experience gender in various ways.
but if i wanted to coin a new gender (though it probably has already been coined), i would call myself quantum gender. because my gender usually isn't defined in any given moment unless i am actively thinking about or engaging with it, like a quantum particle which exists in multiple states until the moment it is observed and measured!
#gender #trans #lgbtq #plural #demifemme #nonbinary #genderFluid #autigender #actuallyAutistic
#gender #trans #LGBTQ #plural #demifemme #nonbinary #GenderFluid #autigender #actuallyautistic
i really appreciate having a buffet of gender identities. we don't need to pick just one!
i am:
- nonbinary
- genderfluid
- woman
- demi-femme
- bigender/multigender
- agender
‐ boy
some of these genders might seem like they conflict. but in addition to everything listed above, i am autigender! but i am also plural, and different alters express and experience gender in various ways.
but if i wanted to coin a new gender (though it probably has already been coined), i would call myself quantum gender. because my gender usually isn't defined in any given moment unless i am actively thinking about or engaging with it, like a quantum particle which exists in multiple states until the moment it is observed and measured!
#gender #lgbtq #plural #demifemme #nonbinary #genderFluid #autigender #actuallyAutistic
#gender #LGBTQ #plural #demifemme #nonbinary #GenderFluid #autigender #actuallyautistic
Vor einer Woche las ich eine Definition von #autigender gelesen, die mir so noch nicht untergekommen ist. Es ging darum, dass autistische Menschen ein anderes Verständnis von Gender haben. Sich selber auf der Skala "männlich bis weiblich" einzuordnen, bedeutet in diesem Kontext, sich sozialen Normen zu unterwerfen und der Maske noch eine weitere Schicht hinzuzufügen.
Seitdem denke ich darüber nach. Für mich erklärt das einfach extrem viel über mein Verhältnis zu meinem Geschlecht.
Every so often I meet someone who I consider a neurotwin - someone who has a very similar neuroflavour to me. Thus far these have all been female (I present as cishet male). It's another facet of the whole #autigender thing I guess.
@jec @actuallyautistic @Helmic @cinja @potto @Ollibobs seconded! I've not really talked about it much on Mastodon but back when I used the bird app I found the #ActuallyAutistic community really supportive about gender identity (I'm demi-gender and while my being autistic does intersect with my gender identity I don't think I ID as #autigender but of course that might change over time). Anyway, you now have me as a new (supportive follower) because I find it comforting and informative to hear about other ND people's gender identity and journey 👍
Smoking Secrets by Stimpunk Betsy Selvam is a powerful reflection on neurodiversity and gender full of wonderful word choices.
Art and verse by Betsy Selvam.
#neurodiversity #neurodivergent #gender #autigender #neuroqueer #GenderDysphoria
#genderdysphoria #neuroqueer #autigender #gender #neurodivergent #neurodiversity
This past year has been one filled with change, realisations & self-discovery. Most prominently the fact that I am #AuDHD. I also realised that I feel very comfortable using they/them pronouns for myself in addition to she/her (I'm AFAB). For most of my life I never fully liked my name & I wouldn't want to change it either for a variety of reasons. Instead, I started playing with the idea of adding a middle name to my name. Something gender-neutral.
#AuDHD #autigender #actuallyautistic #genderqueer