RT @Schnumn
Shoutout to all the autistics just trying to get through the day ✌️
And super special shoutout to @Girl_Unleeshed for writing this comic! #AutismAcceptanceMonth
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 30 – I Love Being Involved With Naturism
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each day this month, editor / pu
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ILoveBeingInvolvedWithNaturism #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #ilovebeinginvolvedwithnaturism #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 30 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I love to practice naturism. When I get home after being out, I like to relax with nothing on. Hey, a controversial thing to wrap up my Autism Acceptance series. Thanks for reading!#AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 29 – I Am A Talented Photographer / Videographer
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each day th
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #IAmATalentedPhotographer/Videographer #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #iamatalentedphotographer #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 29 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I am a talented photographer & videographer. I take many great photos and record lots of video. I can do this very well. Too bad I don't earn anything doing what I can do very well. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 28 – I Love To Cook And Eat
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each day this month, editor / publisher Nathan Young will talk about 30
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ILoveToCookAndEat #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #ilovetocookandeat #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 28 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I love to cook things and eat. I can cook a lot of things, and love to give people stuff I cooked. I also love to eat and I am a foodie. I could cook more things if I moved somewhere else. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
As #AutismAcceptanceMonth comes to a close, remember to support us year round.
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 27 – I Have Been Taken Advantage Of Many Times
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each day this mo
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #IHaveBeenTakenAdvantageOfManyTimes #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #ihavebeentakenadvantageofmanytimes #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 27 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I have been taken advantage of many times. Sadly many disabled people have been taken advantage of. Regular people sees someone with a disability, and sees how to take advantage of them. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 26 – I Do Not Handle Living With Other People Well
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #IDoNotHandleLivingWithOtherPeopleWell #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #idonothandlelivingwithotherpeoplewell #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 26 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I do not handle living with others very well. There is a reason why I live alone. In the past, staying with others has resulted in bullying and violence against me. That is the reality. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 25 – I Am A Respected Disability Creator / Influencer
Its Autism Acceptance Month! F
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #IAmARespectedDisabilityCreator/Influencer #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #iamarespecteddisabilitycreator #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 25 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I am a respected disability creator / influencer. I run a popular website Geek Alabama. And I use my influence to try to move the disability community forward. Disabled people need respect. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 24 – I Love Watching Cartoons And Animation
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each day this month, ed
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ILoveWatchingCartoonsAndAnimation #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #ilovewatchingcartoonsandanimation #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 24 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I love cartoons and animation! I have loved cartoons since I was a kid. And it was an escape from all the neglect and abuse as a kid. I still love cartoons today, they are well made! #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 23 – I Love Watching Game And Reality Shows
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each day this month, edi
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ILoveWatchingGameAndRealityShows #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #ilovewatchinggameandrealityshows #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 23 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I love game and reality shows. I have loved game shows like The Price Is Right and Press Your Luck since I was a child. And I love certain reality shows like Survivor & Amazing Race. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd
30 Facts About Nathan Living With Autism: Day 22 – I Have Been Rejected To Thousands Of Jobs
Its Autism Acceptance Month! For each day this mo
#PersonalLifeStuff #30FactsAboutNathanLivingWithAutism #ASD #Autism #AutismAcceptance #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismSpectrumDisorder #IHaveBeenRejectedToThousandsOfJobs #LivingWithAutism #NathanYoung
#personallifestuff #30factsaboutnathanlivingwithautism #asd #autism #autismacceptance #autismacceptancemonth #autismawarenessmonth #autismspectrumdisorder #ihavebeenrejectedtothousandsofjobs #livingwithautism #nathanyoung
On day 22 of 30 things to know about Nathan. I have been rejected thousands of times from jobs. It sucks, but thousands of applications have been rejected in my life. My current job has been part-time for nearly 5 years now. #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwareness #ASD
#autismacceptancemonth #AutismAwareness #asd