Melsches 🎹 🎨 · @melsches
79 followers · 327 posts · Server

It's all about the
Today I uploaded this for my yesterday released new single "Make It a Breeze"

Any person knows different kinds of daily struggles in a NT world 😵
The constant failure trying to cope, the , the communication issues...
Thisis what my song is about.

#lyrics #musicvideo #neurodiverse #sensoryoverload #release #newsingle #song #musician #songwriting #pop #edm #indieartist #synths #overstimulation #adhs #autism #neurodiversity #autismawareness

Last updated 1 year ago

Melsches 🎹 🎨 · @melsches
79 followers · 327 posts · Server
Stick Mick · @stick_mick
7 followers · 274 posts · Server

I'm no expert on autism. I've googled some things, asked advice from doctors and therapists, and when it comes to taking care of my daughter: I've largely just winged it.

When I was younger, I probably would've been diagnosed with autism as well, but it wasn't the style at the time.
So when my daughter seeks out a small, quiet place when everything is getting too much: man, I feel that. Wish I could join her...but she's probably doing it to get away from me :blobcat_fine:

We have a tent set up in her room that she sometimes crawls in to, to recharge her batteries.

It makes me feel very special when she drags me in there with her. Even if it is a tight squeeze.

#disabilitypridemonth #autismawareness

Last updated 1 year ago

Stick Mick · @stick_mick
6 followers · 246 posts · Server

I missed a few days for the weekend, but here's another post for in

I've mentioned a few times that my daughter is specifically non-verbal autistic. A large percentage (25-30%) of children diagnosed with autism will have delayed or impared speech.

Non-verbal is a bit of a misnomer since many, like my daughter, can and will use some words to communicate, but they will be few and far between.

Here's a non-exaustive list of my daughters words.

* cheese
* toast
* bye
* cat
* dog
* cow
* plane
* bubble
* baby
* dinosaur ("raaaah!")
* car
* "bic" (most likely means picture)
* thank you
* okay
* (numbers 1-13)

That's not all, but it's most.
She understands a great deal of what we say to her, but very little is said by her.

Unfortunately for our morale: no "love," but we will assume it's implied.

#autismawareness #disabilitypridemonth

Last updated 1 year ago

Stick Mick · @stick_mick
6 followers · 181 posts · Server

My daughter is sitting with us, doing puzzles on her tablet.
She gets up without a word, walks to the kitchen, opens the fridge, and says: "Cheese."

This is one of only a handfull of words she will use - and I will give her all the cheese she desires.

She is non-verbal autistic and the words that she uses mean everything to me.

#autismawareness #disabilitypridemonth

Last updated 1 year ago

Stick Mick · @stick_mick
6 followers · 181 posts · Server

Continuing my posts regarding for

A common misconception is that Autism Spectrum Disorder is a linear spectrum between more or less autistic.

It's more accurate to consider ASD to be a spectrum of disorders which are grouped under the label of Autism.

For example, my daughter is non-verbal autistic (perhaps more discussion of that on a later post), doesn't understand social cues, and has some issues letting go of ideas once she has them, but has excellent motor skills, a great memory, and is fiercely independent.

So the takeaway from this is that not all autistic people are the same, and they will excel and struggle with different things.

#autismawareness #disabilitypridemonth

Last updated 1 year ago

Stick Mick · @stick_mick
5 followers · 88 posts · Server

Continuing my posts about for

My daughter is now 4 years old, diagnosed as being non-verbal, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) level 3, with a global developmental delay.

Perhaps the most common question I get is: "Was she always like this?" Or "When did you know? "
I have also had people trying to insist it was vaccines. It wasn't vaccines. Get your kids vaccinated.

My daughter was a very quiet baby. She took a bit longer than normal to learn to crawl, and she took a bit longer to learn to walk. So when she was taking a bit longer to learn to talk: we weren't terribly concerned.
But she was also missing social cues, not responding to her name, and had a tendency to stack, sort, or arrange things in particular ways.
From a pretty early age: we had our suspicions.

So, in short: the official diagnosis took a long time, but I'd say even from a few weeks old, her behaviour just seemed a little bit off.

#autismawareness #disabilitypridemonth

Last updated 1 year ago

Stick Mick · @stick_mick
1 followers · 31 posts · Server

I don't really post on social media very often, but maybe it's time to change that for Disability Pride Month.

My daughter is non-verbal autistic, and if anyone stumbles across this and has questions, wants to share stories, or scream into the void: I'll be here.

I'll be trying to make a post every day for the rest of the month about what our journey has been like, any helpful information, or stories.

#disabilitypride #autismawareness

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 54 posts · Server

Original toot date: 27 March, 2023

Long Read: Disability Inclusion within Brimbank.
My first question raided at this months council meeting was as follows:
“Brimbank's 2022-2026 Disability Action Plan was released around 4 months ago, yet there is no reference to Neurodivergent people (other than reference to a symbol identifier), let alone any planning to ensure their inclusion in our community. Neurodivergent people should not need to wait until 2026 before their barriers to inclusion in Brimbank events will be considered, so what action is Brimbank City Council taking, to ensure their inclusion is possible at council run events?”

(continued in replies.)

#topictuesday #wearebrimbank #brimbank #disability #disabled #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodivergent #autism #autismawareness #autisminclusion #sensory #sensoryoverload #disabilityinclusion #neurodiversityacceptance #disabilityawareness #invisibledisability #invisibledisabilityawareness #Immunecompromised #atrisk #isolation #community #CovidIsNotOver #covidisntover #covidisstillhere #COVIDisAirborne

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 50 posts · Server
Kazan · @Aspie_Kazan
9 followers · 6 posts · Server

Hi 👋
You can call me Kazan, I’m a French 🇫🇷 autistic human being.

I’m also a social worker alongside kids with autism and intellectual deficiency.

I’d love to spread autism awareness especially in France.

My specific interests are: 🌋🦖🌩️🌪️✏️✒️📸.

#actuallyautistic #autismawareness

Last updated 1 year ago

Melsches 🎹 🎨 · @melsches
67 followers · 261 posts · Server

Today is and I made my first real talking head youtube video about it 😱🙏
I talk about why I think Autism PRIDE day is IMPORTANT 🌈 and about the song "Make it a breeze" wich I wrote about my own autism barriers in life 🚧

Have a look and share: ✨💕

"Autistic musician on AUTISM PRIDE DAY 🙌"

The lyrics I talk about, you find on this insta post:

#autismprideday #autism #autismus #autismawareness #autismacceptance #songwriting

Last updated 1 year ago

Bernhard Luecke · @Luecke_Bernhard
54 followers · 799 posts · Server
Block Wife · @contactblockwife
46 followers · 277 posts · Server
Brixdan · @Brixdan
258 followers · 523 posts · Server
Aisling Walsh · @aisling_walsh
158 followers · 103 posts · Server

🚨New Post🚨What are you doing in my swamp!?

“At sixteen my principal ambition in life was to become a hermit...." To see just how much Shrek and I have in common, you can read all about masking, social acceptance and neurodivergent dating here ⬇


#autism #actuallyautistic #adhd #neurodivergent #NeuroKin #NeuroPride #autcasts #movies #films #shrek #masking #autismawareness #autismacceptance

Last updated 2 years ago

Block Wife · @contactblockwife
33 followers · 174 posts · Server

The most frustrating thing about dealing with the neurotypical world for me, is being shamed and ostracized for pointing out obvious lies. As if the person lying is somehow acting socially acceptable, but I am not!?

#poetry #poetrymonth #autism #autismawareness #napowrimo

Last updated 2 years ago

Fitness Foundry (Coach Julio) · @Fitnessfoundry
158 followers · 538 posts · Server

⭐️Join me in supporting the 2023 Autism Acceptance Police Patch Initiative.

I just picked up a few patches and all donations benefit the The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism.☀️

Thank you Malden Police Dept for celebrating differences and all you do for our community! 🇺🇸


#autismacceptance #communitysupport #photo #community #equality #diversity #celebratedifferences #autismawarenessmonth #autismawareness #nationalautismmonth

Last updated 2 years ago

Block Wife · @contactblockwife
31 followers · 150 posts · Server

it is interesting that Autism Awareness and National Poetry Month coincide. It has been very cathartic, and a number of the poems I have written this month are related to autism awareness and acceptance.

#poetry #napowrimo #autism #autismawareness

Last updated 2 years ago

Anna Nicholson · @transponderings
25 followers · 37 posts · Server

@georgetakei @TheAutisticTooter Thank you for your efforts to raise awareness :gi: (though we really need so much more than awareness now)

BTW, most of us (according to research and countless polls) prefer to be called Autistic people, or Autistics, or Autists

We’re not people ‘with autism’, still less people ‘with ASD’

(Individual preferences may differ of course, and should be respected)

#actuallyautistic #autismawareness #autisticacceptance

Last updated 2 years ago