I absolutely loved this manual on autism in the adult. („Hochfuntionaler Autismus bei Erwachsenen - Ein kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisches Manual“ by Isabel Dziobek and Sandra Stoll)
#autism #autismintheadult #adultautism #therapy #cognitivebehavioraltherapy
#autism #autismintheadult #adultautism #therapy #cognitivebehavioraltherapy
[its been a great week on the #actuallyAutistic information gathering front ]
[i argued with some training materials for my field/local area and ranked it 'better than i expected', even if i did argue with it a couple of times. because of course ]
[and been listening to quite a bit of #theresaregan podcast #autismInTheAdult - particularly the three episodes on the autistic brain handling energetic momentum. ngl, its Explaining A Lot for me ]
#ActuallyAutistic #theresaregan #autismintheadult