#hammie came over! (Thats my mom). She is used to being in a charge and role ahead of her years. So I have picked up some independence #habits and feel some pity for the trope of the helpless woman. I almost always dismiss my spouse's whining because of this and I understand that she would feel resentful. When I say #AutismAnnoysMe and #AutismMakesMeAnxious , I am most likely talking about myself because I am fairly certain I am on the spectrum and inputs from the environment affect me deeply
#hammie #habits #autismannoysme #autismmakesmeanxious
Oof I find most americans that use Twitter bothersome and mixed up in their sauce. I would feel sorry for them but most are too leaded to care or lack the capacity.
#autismandsociopathy #hidingbehindautism #theconveyorbelt #autisticpeopleshouldnotbeonline #autismannoysme #autismisaspectrum #autismmakesmeanxious #parentofautism #parentofteen