Streaming #JustChatting
Some tags used(capitalization by streamer) in this live stream: #Autistic #LGBTQIAPlus #Chatty #SlightlyChaotic
My own tag addition: #Chaotic. Chaos is the basis of creativity even though in #popularculture chaos is usually evil.
Not my Neurotype(as of my current experience), reminds me about someone offline(who isn't 'officially' neurodivergent) and online of course but of too high importance(celebrity status, I try to avoid that if I can) for me to mention them.
#Autisticstreamers 6/5 (1 more than 5)
#comparingtomyownneurotypeontwitch #inanimatesheep #justchatting #Autistic #lgbtqiaplus #chatty #slightlychaotic #chaotic #popularculture #autisticstreamers