@doggle @actuallyautistic I'd say #DemandAvoidance is my primary trait, nothing makes me curl up in a #LiteralBlanketFort (and yes, I have a lot of gray hair) more often than being suffocated by demands, expectations, and pressure to conform to social norms... #NoIsAProtectiveSpell and a common #AutisticSuperpower, but it is still unbelievably draining to be subjected to that shit in the first place...
#demandavoidance #literalblanketfort #noisaprotectivespell #autisticsuperpower
I think my only #AutisticSuperpower is being able to catch things without looking at them.
My proprioception is INSANE.
There is something interesting happening when other #autistic people talk about #autisticsuperpower
I have been using the phrase for decdes and have heard others independantly talking about it so many times recently.