How to remove a particular bin from path/auto-complete? #paths #autocompletion
Can we please take a moment to appreciate how cool #autocompletion in a terminal is? It may seems ordinary to us hardened Linux users, but to anyone on the outside, it's an absolute flex. And it feels quite cool and professional to be honest, to seemingly type at 420 words per minute. 😎
Version 1.5 of #RemafoX is now available!
The coolest new feature: #AutoCompletion for translation keys!
Saves even more time & prevents typos. See it in action: 🎥👇
All changes:
#iOSDev #AppDevelopment #SwiftLang #Xcode #Localization #L10n #I18n
#remafox #autocompletion #iosdev #appdevelopment #swiftlang #xcode #localization #l10n #i18n
Is there a way to configure bash or pass so that `pass otp pass-name` commands will tab complete like regular `pass pass-name` commands? #commandline #bash #autocompletion #passcommand
#commandline #bash #autocompletion #passcommand
Add `"coc.source.file.ignoreHidden": false` to your coc's config in #vim to have #autocompletion in file and directory pathes:
#EmacsTip: Want better completion in #ShellMode or #Eshell? Try #BashCompletion, it uses #GNU #Bash as the completion backend, so it often provides better completions.
#Emacs #ShellMode #Eshell #BashCompletion #Completion #AutoCompletion #GNU #Bash
#emacstip #ShellMode #eshell #bashcompletion #gnu #bash #emacs #completion #autocompletion
#EmacsTip: Want to your auto-completion UI (#Company, #Corfu, etc) in your shell? Check out #BashCompletion, it allows you to use #GNU #Bash as a completion backend in your #ShellMode, #Eshell or #Term.
#Emacs #BashCompletion #Completion #AutoCompletion #GNU #Bash
#emacstip #company #corfu #bashcompletion #gnu #bash #ShellMode #eshell #term #emacs #completion #autocompletion
#EmacsTip: Did you consider using #Corfu as your #AutoCompletion UI? It fully complies with Emacs default completion at point UI, and it also enjoyes full #Company support via #Cape. Just like any #minibuffer completing-read prompt, you can use anything, be it regexp, space or tab, to find a completion candidate.
#emacstip #corfu #autocompletion #company #cape #minibuffer #emacs #ui
Mit dem #helixeditor scheint man gut ( #python )-Programmieren zu können.
#Autocompletion ist einfach einzustellen und der run-shell-command zum Ausführen eines Python-Skripts, gibt die Shell-Ausgaben an ein Popup weiter. Weiß nicht, wie das bei einem anderen #editor gelöst ist, aber find ich hier gut gemacht.
Werd ich versuchen #neovim + #tmux zu ersetzen.
#hx #tmux #neovim #editor #autocompletion #python #HelixEditor
TextSuggest is an Autocomplete Tool for Linux Desktops
#foss #ui #linux #autocompletion
Fig: autocompletion for your terminal: #linux #fig #autocompletion #terminal #foss #shell
#linux #fig #autocompletion #terminal #foss #shell
Fig – Un super compagnon pour votre terminal macOS #autocompletion #MacOS #macos #fig
Je vais sauver la planète, étape par étape: d'abord, éliminer la mousse sur ma terrasse à New York, ce qui me mettra de bonne humeur #autocompletion
This week I started my internship at during which I will work on my thesis on ML approaches for #autocompletion (and trying to use n-grams in #Pharo). Currently doing related works overview & will gladly accept links to relevant research, if you know of any.
Is there a #privacy-friendly #keyboard #app that supports #swiping & #autocompletion? :mastoface_with_rolling_eyes:
#privacy #keyboard #app #swiping #autocompletion
best guessing ever! :D
#dev #autocompletion #duckduckgo
#autocompletion #dev #duckduckgo
L’autocomplétion c'est l'enfer !!!!
Laissez-moi taper ce que je veux.