There's been 30 years of ALT and EUROCALL. Here are my reflections on my relationship with ed tech over more than 30 years #edtech #open #autoethnography
#edtech #open #autoethnography
We’ve opened a few new channels on our postgrad Discord server lately. It’s always interesting to see which channels are most active week by week. This week
#autoethnography #CreativeArts and #Wordle (#ChatLounge always a given)
If you haven’t yet, come say hi, we’re a friendly bunch!
#autoethnography #creativearts #Wordle #chatlounge #academicchatter
I'm interested in:
🧶 #FiberArts such as #crochet, #spinning with a #DropSpindle, #LoomKnitting, and #PunchNeedle embroidery.
🎨 #Sketching and #painting.
📚 Reading, particularly #SciFi and #Fantasy. I especially love #Discworld by #TerryPratchett, and the #Cosmere by #BrandonSanderson.
:FountainPen: #Writing, mostly stories for children, and #AutoEthnography for me.
🐙 Octopuses! Squids, cuttlefish, and nautiloids are fun too but I have a special love for learning about the #octopus family.
#fiberarts #crochet #spinning #dropspindle #loomknitting #punchneedle #sketching #painting #scifi #fantasy #discworld #terrypratchett #cosmere #brandonsanderson #writing #autoethnography #octopus
📢#OutNow in #OA: '#Migrant #Academics’ Narratives of #Precarity and #Resilience in #Europe', edited by Olga Burlyuk and Ladan Rahbari.
This volume consists of narratives of #migrant #academics from the #GlobalSouth within #academia in the #GlobalNorth.The autobiographic and autoethnographic contributions to this collection aim to #decolonise the discourse around #academicmobility by highlighting experiences of precarity, resilience, care and solidarity in the #academic margins.
Building on #precarity as a critical concept for challenging #socialexclusion or forming #political collectives, the authors move away from conventional #academic styles, instead adopting #autobiography and #autoethnography as methods of #intersectional #scholarly analysis.
Access this OA title for free or get a hard copy at
#outnow #oa #migrant #academics #precarity #resilience #europe #globalsouth #academia #globalnorth #decolonise #academicmobility #academic #socialexclusion #political #autobiography #autoethnography #intersectional #scholarly
Adding a little #autoethnography into my work and just... ugh, love it 💕
"For the most part, those who advocate and insist on canonical forms of doing and writing research are advocating a White, masculine, heterosexual, middle/upper-classed, Christian, able-bodied perspective."
Ellis, C., Adams, T. E., & Bochner, A. P. (2011). Autoethnography: An Overview. Forum, Qualitative Social Research, 12(1).
Ending the night with these two #RIA podcasts about autoethnographic journaling.
RIA # 79: Anne-Marie Deitering on Autoethnography
RIA # 10: Dr. Dannelle Stevens on Journaling Best Practices
#RIA_podcast #ResearchInAction #Journaling #ResearchJournaling #Autoethnography
#ria #ria_podcast #researchinaction #journaling #researchjournaling #autoethnography
I got up early (5am) and have been writing and revising the book manuscript for about 50 minutes.
#writingcommunity #writer #amwriting #writersofmastodon #bookstodon #nonfiction #autoethnography #goodmorning #book #topictoberevealed
#topictoberevealed #book #goodmorning #autoethnography #nonfiction #bookstodon #writersofmastodon #amwriting #writer #writingcommunity
I’m racing ahead. 58% of the book is written.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #amwritingnonfiction #nonfiction #autoethnography
#autoethnography #nonfiction #amwritingnonfiction #amwriting #writingcommunity
Apparently, I write well under pressure. I’m experiencing a professional crisis. Yet, I have produced 1500 words for my personal book project. The draft is now 54% of the target. And I believe I’ve come up with some great new ideas for the book as well.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #writer #nonfiction #autoethnography #weekend #sundayoftyping
#sundayoftyping #weekend #autoethnography #nonfiction #writer #amwriting #writingcommunity
This has been a great writing day so far! Approx. 1000 words and more might be coming. I’m on fire, folks!
#writingcommunity #amwriting #writer #nonfiction #autoethnography #saturday #weekend
#weekend #saturday #autoethnography #nonfiction #writer #amwriting #writingcommunity
I started the weekend by writing 642 words about a scene I thought about during the night. My book is partially autoethnographic so it is a memory of something I experienced 25 years ago.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #nonfiction #writer #autoethnography #weekend
#weekend #autoethnography #writer #nonfiction #amwriting #writingcommunity
I'd like to assign a reading to a class of undergrads introducing the method of autoethnography, hopefully along with how that method can be used to identify possible research questions in a domain. This method is outside of my wheelhouse, if anyone has suggestions, thanks in advance!! #autoethnography
I printed out my draft today. I feel good about it. I have a story to tell and I know how to write, re-write, re-write, and re-write. The day before yesterday I told a good friend about my project. She insisted on reading the draft. So far I have written about 46% of the expected 50 000 words. Yay, me!
#writingcommunity #writer #amwriting #nonfiction #autoethnography #topictoberevealed
#topictoberevealed #autoethnography #nonfiction #amwriting #writer #writingcommunity
Today, in sub-zero temperatures, we walked from border stone 16 to 43, starting from Bossy, looping back to our starting point. We were close to here a few weeks ago, in much warmer weather. But despite the freezing ‘bise noire’ north wind ringing in our ears, we were pleased that frozen ground helped us walk across stretches that would have been too muddy only a few days ago. #borderWalk #geography #autoethnography #walkingMethodology #borders #politicalGeography
#borderwalk #geography #autoethnography #walkingmethodology #borders #politicalgeography
#CriticalMentalHealth #MentalHealthNursing
1/2 I’m co-editing a new Routledge volume:Autoethnographies in Psychology and Mental Health:New Voices. We’re looking for 5 more chapter contributors, specifically mental health system survivors - patients or worker..
#criticalmentalhealth #mentalhealthnursing #autoethnography
#CriticalMentalHealth #MentalHealthNursing
1/2 I’m co-editing a new Routledge volume:Autoethnographies in Psychology and Mental Health:New Voices. We’re looking for 5 more chapter contributors, specifically mental health system survivors - patients or worker..
#criticalmentalhealth #MentalHealthNursing #autoethnography
In addition to #EmbeddedPlanning praxis in the #UrbanPlanning #CityPlanning context — I will be tooting about #HostileArchitecture #PublicSpace #LosAngeles #California #Autoethnography #Architecture #LaborUnion #LaborUnions #1u #Bureaucracy #CommunityOrganizing #Technology #SocialMedia #Fediverse and more #OnHere.
#EmbeddedPlanning #urbanplanning #cityplanning #hostilearchitecture #publicspace #losangeles #california #autoethnography #architecture #laborunion #laborunions #1u #bureaucracy #CommunityOrganizing #technology #socialmedia #Fediverse #onhere
I’m currently working on a text I’ll make available on my website, entitled ‘Sketches from a Sociologist’s Career’. I’m expecting to complete it - around 80,000 words - by the end of 2022. #sociology #autoethnography
Seems as an exciting article. On my reading list for tomorrow. I also want to learn more about how to do autoethnography. Love to read about educators and their own experiences #autoethnography #ReadingList #research #AcademicChatter #education #MonashUniversity
#autoethnography #readinglist #research #academicchatter #education #monashuniversity
Seems like many don't consider #Autoethnography as legit methodology. But the idea of agency to the "subject" is just so power. I can understand why it gets the criticism. Are there any papers/books on how to do autoethnography right, or complementing it with another? @anthropology