Things you can do on #Windows that I have not (yet) been able to do on #Mac:
- #AutoHotKey can do systemwide txt replacement (so can #Espanso) but it can also sense and act on all system windows (move them, click a button in them, resize them) immediately upon their appearance
- Taskbar is there by default - shows all apps AND their child windows for instant selection, no DWM required, uBar is not a perfect replacement
- Can resize settings instead of a vertical fixedwidth panel
- #Outlook rules can color emails based on criteria. Yes this is an MS limitation, not Apple
- #ShoveIt auto shunts offscreen windows back onscreen
- Zhorn #Stickies is far better than any Mac sticky app I've found. Can "attach" a sticky to a window so that every time window appears, sticky also appears. Can set a reminder so when time arrives, sticky pops up and jiggles/chimes
- apps generally have FAR better notification popups
Today I will be looking at #Magnet and #DockExposé. The journey continues.
#windows #mac #autohotkey #espanso #outlook #shoveit #stickies #magnet #dockexpose
#Angeln wird inzwischen in fast jedes MMO eingebaut. Eine langweilige Beschäftigung, meist mit Quick-Time-Events als Reaktionsspiel umgesetzt. Damit aber auch berechenbar und automatisierbar. Wie man das Angeln in #Destiny2 mit #AutoHotkey automatisiert habe ich in meinem aktuellen #Blogpost erklärt.
#blogpost #autohotkey #destiny2 #angeln
#Python python python !
( #Autohotkey will get a new friend ! Weeee )
#python #autohotkey #codealcea
(Kleines) Umbruchgeschütztes Leerzeichen für Zahlen und Einheiten? „Richtige“ Anführungszeichen? Zeichen, die man nur schwer tippen kann, bis jetzt. Dank #AutoHotkey kann man diese jetzt einfach verwenden.
🧡 Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 🧡
What a wonderful graphics program, even today after over 20 years! 🥰
I started a little repository of scripts that help improve the user experience of this gem. 💎
Just added a script that automatically selects the "pan" tool when clicking the middle mouse button, just like in most modern tools. 🙂
(also works with PSP8 & 9)
#PaintShopPro #PaintShopPro7 #AutoHotkey #Productivity #Graphics
#paintshoppro #paintshoppro7 #autohotkey #productivity #graphics
Chris Mallett & Steve Gray released #AutoHotkey version 2.0.4.
Chris Mallett & Steve Gray released #AutoHotkey version
Duda #tech ñoñera
¿alguien usa ahk #autohotkey ?
Quiero hacer intercambio de codes para mayor funcionalidad en trabajos/tareas repetitivas que salvan vidas en esta vida godin del uso de computadores
Chris Mallett & Steve Gray released #AutoHotkey version 2.0.3.
Wait.. #CodeAlcea
#ChatGPT can write #Autohotkey aswell ?!
Wow !
Best. Thingy. ever ! 💌
#codealcea #chatgpt #autohotkey
Make Use Of: No Numpad? No Problem! How to Get a Numeric Keypad in Windows #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #KeyboardShortcuts #Troubleshooting #WindowsTips #AutoHotkey #Keyboard #Windows
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #keyboardshortcuts #troubleshooting #WindowsTips #autohotkey #keyboard #windows
Today, in things I wish existed on Mac but that I'm super thankful for on Windows (and no, Espanso doesn't come close)..
#autohotkey #automation #macro #windowsonly
I just made a workout script that announces my workout with #autoHotKey, and I couldn't be happier. Now I just need a quick way to format my future workouts, and I will be good to go.
Server-based time zone in client/server environment and
AutoHotkey script sample to always print NY date/time on client machine with any locale.
Storie di uno #screenshot automatizzato via #AutoHotkey
It is a travesty that to this day on #windows, there isn't a shortcut to easily insert the current date (and time) with a simple hotkey without 3rd party software (eg #autohotkey). Sure in select apps there is, but not os-wide.
Someday I'll migrate to a #linux distro where these customizations can be done out of the box, but right now the productivity-switching-costs are too high.
Cet outil d'autocomplétion de texte m'a l'air aussi complet que générique. Ca va très bientôt être très intéressant. #windows #autocomplete #software #freeware #opensource #system #extension #autohotkey
#autohotkey #extension #system #opensource #freeware #software #autocomplete #windows
i'm at a point where i only need one thing to be the #cyborg i want to be, a small wireless #wearable, likely a ring or band, with at least one preferably tactile button that will Always trigger the thing i need it to do. It could be as simple as sending ctrl+shift+J via #autohotkey to to a remote computer. No switching on the wearable, unlocking it or waiting for it to wake up. A small delay after i press a button is fine. it just has to do it reliably and be always available, always on.
Good news is native window handles on Windows can be intrusively modified at runtime from anywhere in an application (sometimes even from outside an application, like #AutoHotKey does). Then it just comes down to hijacking the engine window management systems.