#IDMastodon Patients with #COVID19 demonstrate a 43% increased risk for new-onset #AutoimmuneDiseases in the 3 to 15 months following acute #SarsCoV2 infection
đź“Ś https://archive.ph/2023.09.01-005916/https://www.healio.com/news/rheumatology/20230830/patients-with-covid19-have-43-increased-risk-for-newonset-autoimmune-diseases
đź“Ś https://www.healio.com/news/rheumatology/20230824/disentangling-long-covid-from-fibromyalgia-patients-often-feel-disrespected-ignored
#IDMastodon #COVID19 #autoimmunediseases #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #COVID19 is associated with an increased risk of developing various #autoimmunediseases in #PostCovid / #LongCovi and the risk could be attenuated by #COVID19 vaccination @thelancet
#IDMastodon #COVID19 #autoimmunediseases #PostCovid #longcovi
📢 New review on the functions of double-negative #Bcells in #AutoimmuneDiseases, #infections, and #cancers
By N-W Kam, W Dai & colleagues at University of Hong Kong
🗞️ Read #openaccess: https://doi.org/10.15252/emmm.202217341
#Bcells #autoimmunediseases #infections #cancers #openaccess
SARS-CoV-2 infection of thymus induces loss of function that correlates with disease severity
#SARSCoV2 #COVID #COVID19 #Corona #CovidIsNotOver #thymus #autoimmunediseases
#SarsCoV2 #covid #COVID19 #corona #CovidIsNotOver #thymus #autoimmunediseases
@Alyzande that’s not good! I’ll boost some boosts that suggest ways to find people with interests you have. I’m looking for #artistsonmastodon #knittingmastodon #textiles #AutoimmuneDiseases #RheumatoideArthritis #gardening #cats #AustralianMastodon #australian accounts
#artistsonmastodon #knittingmastodon #textiles #autoimmunediseases #RheumatoideArthritis #gardening #cats #australianmastodon #australian
various case–control studies have documented that 22–60% of patients with AAV, principally those with MPO positivity, were previously exposed to silica
#autoimmunediseases #silicadust #environmentalexposure