@Bronwyn #AutoInsurance #CrackedWindshield
Don't you have comprehensive coverage under your auto insurance policy?
If so, your insurance company will pay for the repair to your windshield for the amount in excess of the deductible.
My comprehensive deductible is $100 and I've replaced over 1/2 dozen windshields for various vehicles under that coverage.
Your insurance company will usually have list of companies that they'll approve for the repair but you can just call whoever you like and ask if they are an accepted repair shop for your insurer instead.
And, regardless of the company you use, you do NOT have to tip the repairman. I've never tipped any repairman for any work done for any vehicle, whether in a shop or mobile.
#autoinsurance #crackedwindshield
I didn't know #georgia had this kind of a law on the books. If you're in a car accident you can be reimbursed for the diminished value of your car.
#georgia #atlanta #carinsurance #autoinsurance
I literally had an #Allstate #AutoInsurance representative tell me:
"Sir, your insurance premiums are not a savings account."
Read: Don't expect to get any of the money you've paid us back, ever
Footnote: this was about 1967
I'm pretty damn sure you'd never get such honesty out of Allstate Insurance today
Auto insurance is a necessary part of being a responsible driver. Plus, it's way cheaper than having to buy a new car after you accidentally backed into a tree. #autoinsurance #responsibledriver #cheap #newcar #accident #tree
#autoinsurance #responsibledriver #cheap #newcar #accident #tree
Don't wait until it's too late to get auto insurance. Protect your car and your passengers from unexpected events like drive-thru accidents and rogue squirrels. You never know when a squirrel will try to take over your car. #autoinsurance #protection #unexpectedevents #drivethru #squirrel
#autoinsurance #protection #unexpectedevents #drivethru #squirrel
Accidents happen, but with auto insurance you can rest easy knowing you're protected. Plus, it's one less thing to worry about while trying to avoid that squirrel in the road. #autoinsurance #protection #accidents #squirrel
#autoinsurance #protection #accidents #squirrel
Don't take chances with your financial protection on the road. Make sure you have the right auto insurance coverage to safeguard yourself and your vehicle. It's worth the investment! #autoinsurance #protection #coverage #vehicle
#autoinsurance #protection #coverage #vehicle
Auto insurance is an important part of your overall financial plan and can help you achieve your financial goals. Don't neglect this important protection. #autoinsurance #financialplan #goals #protection
#autoinsurance #financialplan #goals #protection
Auto insurance is typically required by law and is a necessary part of being a responsible driver. Make sure you are properly insured to avoid penalties and fines. #autoinsurance #required #law #responsibledriver #insured
#autoinsurance #required #law #responsibledriver #insured
If you own a new or high-value vehicle, make sure you have sufficient auto insurance coverage to fully protect yourself and your investment. Don't leave yourself vulnerable to financial loss. #autoinsurance #coverage #newvehicle #highvalue #investment
#autoinsurance #coverage #newvehicle #highvalue #investment
Auto insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security in the event of an accident or other covered event. Don't leave yourself exposed to financial risk on the road. #autoinsurance #peacemind #financialsecurity #accident
#autoinsurance #peacemind #financialsecurity #accident
Don't wait until it's too late to get auto insurance. Protect yourself and your vehicle from unexpected events and losses on the road. #autoinsurance #protection #unexpectedevents #losses
#autoinsurance #protection #unexpectedevents #losses
Make sure you have the right auto insurance coverage for your specific needs and situation. Don't settle for less than what you need to safeguard yourself and your vehicle. #autoinsurance #coverage #needs #protection
#autoinsurance #coverage #needs #protection
Auto insurance can also cover medical expenses and legal fees if you or your passengers are injured in an accident. Don't leave yourself vulnerable to financial risk. #autoinsurance #medicalexpenses #legalfees #accident
#autoinsurance #medicalexpenses #legalfees #accident
Without auto insurance, you could be responsible for paying out-of-pocket for damages to your own vehicle and the other party's property in the event of an accident. Protect yourself with a good policy. #autoinsurance #damages #accident
#autoinsurance #damages #accident
Auto insurance is an important way to protect yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle in the event of an accident or other covered event. Don't take unnecessary risks on the road. #autoinsurance #protection #accident
#autoinsurance #protection #accident
Umbrella insurance can provide extra coverage for accidents that exceed the limits of your other insurance policies, such as auto or homeowners insurance. Don't be caught without enough protection. #umbrellainsurance #coverage #accidents #autoinsurance #homeownersinsurance
#umbrellainsurance #coverage #accidents #autoinsurance #homeownersinsurance
Umbrella insurance can provide extra coverage for accidents that exceed the limits of your other insurance policies, such as auto or homeowners insurance. Don't be caught without enough coverage. #umbrellainsurance #coverage #accidents #autoinsurance #homeownersinsurance
#umbrellainsurance #coverage #accidents #autoinsurance #homeownersinsurance
@BrentToderian @jalopnik @davidzipper
Few posts I've read about self driving cars ever mention cost of auto ins(According to Progressive, avg annual prem in AZ for a Tesla is $4K)or that ins carriers are unsure who/what would/could be held liable in event of a claim since technically there's not a human driver in the traditional sense. $300 +/- a month for auto insurance may not seem like much for some; it's a lot for avg consumers.
#selfdrivingcars #autoinsurance
Even the most skilled pilots need auto insurance. Protect your vehicle with the right coverage. #autoinsurance #protection #starwars #pilots #coverage
#autoinsurance #protection #starwars #pilots #coverage