Ngl. The biggest reason I am not full on #UBUNTU or #LINUX yet, is this.
Being able to #sendto on right click and #ffmpeg / #imagemagick my way to #success ...
Not sure if linuxy has that.
Oh and. #Autohotkey.
Not that #Autoit is bad...
But I dunno.
Gotta love how #mastodon hates on #wmv files.
I could understand #avi.
But wmv ?
#stuffalcea #ubuntu #linux #sendto #ffmpeg #imagemagick #success #autohotkey #autoit #mastodon #wmv #avi
I never thought I'd break into the top 1000 (I'm not a dev and I use a useful but underpowered scripting language), but today I got rank 931 on part 1 and rank
731 on part 2!
I'm taking the personal win for sure! #AdventOfCode #AutoIt
I just completed "Supply Stacks" - Day 5 - Advent of Code 2022 https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/5 #AdventOfCode
Threat Roundup for February 14 to February 21 - Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we've observed between Feb. 14 ... more: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/feedburner/Talos/~3/4J1oPdwQFdU/threat-roundup-0214-0221.html #vulnerabilities #threatroundup #ciscotalos #generickdz #gandcrab #malware #autoit #nymaim #qakbot #remcos #tofsee #mikey #talos #razy
#razy #talos #mikey #tofsee #remcos #qakbot #nymaim #autoit #malware #gandcrab #generickdz #ciscotalos #threatroundup #vulnerabilities
Loda RAT Grows Up - By Chris Neal.Over the past several months, Cisco Talos has observed a malware campaign that utilize... more: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/feedburner/Talos/~3/FP1Tfj2Deww/loda-rat-grows-up.html #credentialstealer #threatresearch #malware #autoit #rats #rat
#rat #rats #autoit #malware #threatresearch #credentialstealer