@stutstev I mean just legalizing automated enforcement/speed cameras/red light cameras would cut back on a lot of it #AutomateSafeStreetsMass
@thomasconnor red light cameras would put a real crimp in the murdery drivers. #AutomateSafeStreetsMass when?
I'm not sure why I just saw a driver make a #LeftOnRed at a stoplight. That's egregious even for a #Boston #Masshole. It's time the #Massachusetts legislature finally catches up and legalizes #AutomatedEnforcement. Drivers don't care about anything but their own convenience and it's going to kill more people
#leftonred #boston #masshole #massachusetts #automatedenforcement #automatesafestreetsmass
@streetsblogmass now that Ron Mariano has tackled the crucial issues like sports gambling can we PLEASE get #AutomatedEnforcement passed in 2023? #AutomateSafeStreetsMass
#automatedenforcement #automatesafestreetsmass
@dnsprincess Automated traffic enforcement finally legalized in Massachusetts is my 2023 demand #AutomateSafeStreetsMass