#GreatAlbums1990s - #REM – #AutomaticForThePeople (1992). This acoustic and downbeat follow-up to breakthrough Out of Time felt like an antidote to all the clattering grunge coming out of 1992 – a move that showed REM’s determination to remain “alternative” in a meaningful sense, even as they vied with U2 for world domination. “Drive” and “Man on the Moon” resonate down the decades, even if the set overall could use a shot of adrenaline. #Albums, #Music, #1990s, #Reviews, #Rock, #AlternativeRock
#alternativerock #rock #reviews #1990s #Music #albums #automaticforthepeople #rem #greatalbums1990s
Haha Plex is messing with me! After the most brutal 45 min. It drops this. What an awesome tune. I miss these guys!
#rem #automaticforthepeople
#REM #automaticforthepeople #music
I love the album so much.
#rem #automaticforthepeople #music