Music of 528 Hz but not control 440 hz has effect on autonomic nervous system (increase of oxytocin, decrease of cortisol). In other words music of 528 Hz lowers stress and let us feel comfortable.
#cortisol #oxytocin #BioScience #Music #stress #relax #Neurobiology #AutonomicNervousSystem
#cortisol #oxytocin #bioscience #music #stress #relax #neurobiology #autonomicnervoussystem
#HeatExhaustion and #IdiopathicHypersomnia have a lot in common due to #AutonomicNervousSystem not working properly on us who have IH.
Why is it that many of us feel horrible when it is hot? Nobody knows (yet) but what I do know is that I made a comic about it:
#autonomicnervoussystem #idiopathichypersomnia #heatexhaustion