@mtechman @jodystillwrites My nephew, 10 yrs old, is beginning to be able to walk by himself to school... and to the local #publicLibrary. The only thing is that his parents need to ring the library on the many occasions when he forgets to go back home after a few hours reading!
The #library staff kindly tell him he's expected :)
#publiclibrary #library #children #books #autonomy
🍏 Apple's Secret Sauce: It's not just paychecks, it's freedom. 💼 Trust and autonomy keep employees motivated. Game-changer in the corporate world. Top performers earn freedom, not more tasks. Refreshing in a micromanagement world. Trust-based culture empowers staff and fosters happiness. Work hard, play hard – a recipe for success. 🌐🤝 Thoughts? 🤔 #CorporateCulture #Autonomy #TrustAtWork Learn more: 🌐 https://go.digitalengineer.io/PN
#corporateculture #autonomy #trustatwork
Same source:
Self-organizing systems are characterized by their intrinsic, nonlinear operators, (i.e., the properties of their constituent elements, macromolecules, spores of the slime mold, bees, etc.), which generate macroscopically (meta-) stable patterns maintained by the perpetual flux of their constituents. A special case of #self_organization is #autopoiesis. It is that organization which is its own Eigen-state: the outcome of the productive interactions of the components of the system are those very components. It is the organization of the #living, and, at the same time, the organization of #autonomy.
#autopoiesis #self_organization #living #autonomy
Here's the last in this set of Sadler's Lectures podcast episodes on Norman Bowie's article "A Kantian Approach To Business Ethics", this one applying the 3rd formulation of the categorical imperative
#Podcast #Business #Ethics #Kant #Bowie #Autonomy
#autonomy #bowie #kant #ethics #business #podcast
In Panama, an Indigenous kingdom fights for its right to the forest
CHANGUINOLA, Panama — Long before the Naso peoples in the northern jungles of Panama won the fight for their land, before a king came from far away to lead them against the invaders and cattle ranchers, the bureaucrats and corporations who wanted the territory to themselves — long before all of that, the Naso people lived on the Caribbean coast battling enemy tribes and Spanish colonists.
#panama #indigenous #struggle #autonomy #sovereignty
One of the most difficult and confusing things to try to understand about anti-fascism is its history.
#autonomy #history #prefascism #rebellion #religion #uprising #uscivilwar
#autonomy #history #prefascism #rebellion #religion #uprising #uscivilwar
A lovely inspiring compassionate young woman, murdered by a paramilitary shooter, as she covered a protest in Derry city. That anyone would deface a monument to such a wonderful inspiring individual shows the moral bankruptcy of hate and ignorance. #Pride #GayLivesMatter #TransRights #Prochoice #autonomy #Lyra
#pride #gaylivesmatter #transrights #prochoice #autonomy #Lyra
#Pride has the best day in Derry.
#Transrightsarehumanrights #autonomy #prochoice
#pride #transrightsarehumanrights #autonomy #prochoice
From the preface by Tomaso Montanari, on the issue of administrative and centralised #evaluation of #research: "The arguments you are about to read are partly theoretical and partly technical, and they apply to every discipline. But what is at stake is political, in the highest sense of the word: and why is well summed up by the quotation embedded in the title of Maria Chiara Pievatolo's contribution: 'Caesar supra grammaticos'. In other words, it is about the control (however direct or facilitated by internal reservations within the scientific community) that the government exercises over research: a control that fundamentally denies the #autonomy of research, which should be inviolable as a guarantee for everyone". Open access essay here (in Italian): https://www.morlacchilibri.com/universitypress/allegati/Santambrogio_Valutazione%20fallita_interno_interattivo%20sito.pdf
#autonomy #evaluation #research
The Island School of Social #Autonomy (#ISSA) on the Croatian island of #Vis is a place that imagines, experiments with, and cultivates forms of #knowledge production and sharing that go beyond traditional notions of #education and its purpose. It also fosters modes of living that extend beyond mere survival in the “age of #extinction.
Practical and financial help is welcome.
#autonomy #issa #vis #knowledge #education #extinction
How to ensure misogony and DV rules, and women get silenced every possible way; that pedophile activity and child abuse is never uncovered; that STD’s are transmitted and never treated; that gay/trans people are totally silenced… #prochoice #autonomy, #rights #education
#prochoice #autonomy #rights #education
@daniemililly This is an excellent article and offers a great insight into #TERF behaviours. That media, who are supposed to fact check before publishing stories and clearly do not, is a huge part of the malicious actors spreading fear and damage around the world. #transrightsarehumanrights #prochoice #pride #autonomy
#terf #transrightsarehumanrights #prochoice #pride #autonomy
@br00t4c #snp dodged a bullet when she did not get elected as party leader. But I guess she exemplifies everything that should be avoided by people who have empathy, kindness, compassion and consideration for others. #transrightsarehumanrights #pride #prochoice #autonomy
#snp #transrightsarehumanrights #pride #prochoice #autonomy
@ttpphd I wonder in which paradoxal state of mind are left the doctor who perform medically needed abortion (like extra uterine pregnancy) They should be proud to save a life but also devastated to abort one, no ? #Drug #TheirBodiesTheirRights #Abortion #Autonomy #Patriarchy #Feminism #MedMastodon #Paternalism
#drug #theirbodiestheirrights #abortion #autonomy #patriarchy #feminism #medmastodon #paternalism
The issue delivering this important information won’t be the generally understanding and compassionate young people - it’s far more likely to be some intransigent and defensive parents. #transrightsarehumanrights #prochoice #GayRightsAreHumanRights #autonomy
#transrightsarehumanrights #prochoice #gayrightsarehumanrights #autonomy
#RFKjr is a lunatic with absolutely no chance of ever being #president, so nothing he says matters. But knowing which side his bread is buttered on, Bobby is trying to pander to his #rightwing support base with his own attack on #women's #reproductive #autonomy despite his established lifetime of support for #abortion rights. Positively #pathetic.
#rfkjr #President #rightwing #women #reproductive #autonomy #abortion #pathetic
Serve Robotics, which builds robots that tootle around sidewalks to deliver meals, just raised $30 million. https://www.serverobotics.com/go-public-transaction
#Robotics #autonomy #delivery
Are you curious to learn more about #sociocracy?🧐 Then join us for this upcoming free webinar!
Register here 👉 https://t.co/Izss0UCnb3
#community #learn #connection #autonomy #equity #horizontal #leadership#organization #education #collaborative #teamwork #collaboration https://t.co/cI8UCe7llP
#sociocracy #community #learn #connection #autonomy #equity #horizontal #leadership #education #collaborative #teamwork #collaboration