“Whether you work in the #UFO warehouse at #Area52 (S4) , are the surgeon who handles the #alien #autopsies, or are the designer of the amazing climate cleaning machine, if your work is #classified, you can’t blow the whistle on it for the public good and expect the law to work in your favor,”
🤔 …Bring the hearings on.
#uap / #BlowBack / #MobTactics / #Omertà
#ufo #area52 #alien #autopsies #classified #uap #blowback #mobtactics #omerta
#Histopathology and #SARS-CoV-2 cellular localization in #eye #tissues of #COVID19 #autopsies https://ajp.amjpathol.org/article/S0002-9440(23)00086-X/fulltext?rss=yes
#histopathology #sars #eye #tissues #COVID19 #autopsies
#NaomiWolf says #autopsies on the vaccinated reveal #vaccinedamage from #COVIDvaccine
#covidvaccine #VaccineDamage #autopsies #naomiwolf
#NaomiWolf says #autopsies on the vaccinated reveal #vaccinedamage from #COVIDvaccine
#covidvaccine #VaccineDamage #autopsies #naomiwolf
#NaomiWolf says #autopsies on the vaccinated reveal #vaccinedamage from #COVIDvaccine
#covidvaccine #VaccineDamage #autopsies #naomiwolf
#COVID-19 #Virus Found in the #Brain: #Autopsies Reveal Startling New Information.
An #analysis of tissue samples from the autopsies of 44 people who died with COVID-19 shows that #SAR-CoV-2 virus spread throughout the body—including into the brain—and that it lingered for almost 8 months. The study was published on December 14 in the journal #Nature.
#COVID #virus #brain #autopsies #analysis #sar #nature