#Cars #Autos #AutoMechanics #AutoRepairs
I have a excellent master mechanic in an independent shop who has worked on the MB, BMW, F250 that I still own and a Corvette that I owned in the past. He always does great work!
The only car of mine that he hasn't worked on is a 2002 Toyota MR2 Spyder but that's because it has seldom needed any repairs, only oil change,s and because it's such a rare model w/peculiar idiosyncracies that I prefer taking it to the dealer to get any work done on it.
I rue the day when he retires &, like you, have to find another mechanic.
He's located in East CoCo County and, if you live anywhere near there I'd be happy to give you his & the shop's name/#.
#cars #autos #automechanics #autorepairs
I donated to this guy & maybe someone else will want to, too. He makes videos teaching people how to repair their own cars. His videos helped me, but I'll probably never view his videos again, so ...
Well, 'til next time I wreck the car, maybe
#gofundme #autorepairs #SupportSmallStreamers
If everybody gave a dollar, we could pay for anything. There are like 7 billion people in the world. Okay, maybe not anything. The point is, every little bit counts. It all adds up.
#gofundme #autorepairs #SupportSmallStreamers
Global News BC: Some B.C. drivers wait months for repairs as autobody shops face labour, supply chain issues https://globalnews.ca/news/9584752/bc-crash-repair-delays-autobody/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SupplyChainDisruptions #longwaitcarrepair #collisionrepairs #carrepairdelays #bcautobodyshop #labourshortage #vehiclerepairs #autorepairs #SupplyChain #Collision #Canada #ICBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #supplychaindisruptions #longwaitcarrepair #collisionrepairs #carrepairdelays #bcautobodyshop #labourshortage #vehiclerepairs #autorepairs #supplychain #collision #Canada #ICBC
#autoelectrical #autorepairs #mechanics #autotraining #fixingcars
Training students about car charging systems last week. I modified an alternator on one of our vehicles to provide an output of the alternator regulator.
In the picture, the top oscilloscope trace is the alternator regulator switching the magnet on and off to regulate charge rate and therefore voltage of the v3hicle.
The bottom trace is the current from a current clamp attached to the alternator positive cable to the battery.
You can see when the alternator magnet is switched on, the current increases to the battery. When the alternator magnet is turned off the current slows.
The regulator will turn on or turn off the field (magnet) current depending on system voltage. That is why the on time on the top trace is not uniform. It all depends on the electrical requirements of the vehicle.
#autoelectrical #autorepairs #mechanics #autotraining #fixingcars