How to create an auto executeable for running commands ad admin? #commandline #scripts #executecommand #autorun
#commandline #scripts #executecommand #autorun
I've always been interested in software. I'm fortunate to now work in software - but always loved software.
Mostly nostalgic tonight - but I really miss browsing for software. DOS, Win3.11 and 95 were really the wild west. 500 various word processors? I'll take them. 257 calc sheets? sign me up.
I miss that. I miss installing discs. I hate that we only have really 1 choice for things now.
What is your favorite software from DOS/3.11/etc? #dos #win311 #80s #90s #386 #autorun.bat #ta-da
#dos #win311 #80s #90s #autorun #ta