šŸ–¼ļø MAG1K EYE šŸ‘ļø
A creation tool made in under 1kb of compressed code for Jam.
šŸŒ liquidream.itch.io/mag1k-eye
ļøšŸ–Œļø Paint & Render your own Autostereogram
šŸ–±ļø Made for Mouse+Keyboard
ā†©ļø Undo/Redo (one level)
šŸ–¼ļø Download finished images
šŸŽžļø 60 FPS
If you create something, please tag it with or šŸ¤“šŸ¤³

#pico8 #autostereogram #Pico1k #8bit #mag1keye #gamejam #3d #sizecoding

Last updated 1 year ago

We're going back to the 90's for my current entry into Jam 2023! šŸ–¼ļøšŸ‘€
(I'll give you a clue - it's not a sailboat šŸ˜‰)
A few more tweaks/optimisations to make the most of 1KB and I'll be done šŸ¤“

#Pico1k #pico8 #autostereogram

Last updated 1 year ago

Der Teilweise · @teilweise
67 followers · 318 posts · Server layer8.space

@jamesthomson Iā€™d move the 42s a bit outwards to get a nice 3D effect when looking at it cross-eyed.


Last updated 2 years ago

Cypou · @cypou
56 followers · 328 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

@stevechampion @AlexSanterne interesting! looking on iOS, it seems there is an app from the same developper (or a very good clone!), which appears to have a few more features.

I like this one (v5.10): "support WiFi connecting between two i3DSteroid for 3D Camera and sending image."

On a personal note, I discovered in a magazine when I was much younger, and has since then always been fascinated with .


#autostereogram #stereography

Last updated 2 years ago

FediFollows · @FediFollows
42453 followers · 2128 posts · Server mastodon.online

Magic Aye is a bot that posts automatically generated autostereograms (aka "Magic Eye"). You can follow at:

āž”ļø @magic_aye

You can see the 3D images hidden in the pictures by making your eyes focus behind the image. (It can take a while to do this if you haven't done it before. Enlarging the image may help.)

More about this topic: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autoster

#fun #Stereograms #stereogram #3d #autostereogram #Autostereograms #magiceye #MagicAye

Last updated 3 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server post.lurk.org

for viewing

depth map exported from (one of the examples that comes with it)

horizontally repeating fractal texture made with (modulusx final transform).

combined with homemade software. final image had autolevels applied to brighten it up before downscaling to 1920x1080@100dpi

I think this one turned out ok despite the depth discontinuities.

#autostereogram #crosseyed #fragmentarium #fractorium

Last updated 6 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server post.lurk.org

for viewing

map exported to from my "raymond" thingy implemented in inside , converted to using . EXR data must be in [0..1] for GIMP to understand it (otherwise it clips, not sure if it's clipped by FragM or GIMP). Not sure if sRGB non-linear response curve is mangling my data.

texture from a photo I took, cropped into a narrow vertical strip and made in

depth and texture combined with . took many iterations to get something that didn't make my eyes hurt too much. depth is jarring, too-small texture detail is distracting.

- paulbourke.net/dataformats/pbm for PFM file format (like PGM/PPM but float32 data)

#autostereogram #crosseyed #depth #exr #raytracing #glsl #fragmentarium #pfm #gimp #fabric #seamless #homemade #software #discontinuity

Last updated 6 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server post.lurk.org

render a vertical strip that repeats horizontally in (possibly also other software like or ). possible use case: texture for generation.

0. start with some flame
1. add a Final transform with linear variation weight 0 and modulusx weight 1. its affine transform should be reset to identity.
2. set flame Width to 256px, and Scale to 128.0 (presumably half the width works in all cases).
3. make sure camera rotation and offset are 0.0
4. render!


- a small seam is still visible in Firefox when zooming in, possible workaround is to render bigger, tile in , then downscale and crop, to make the seam as (subpixel) small as desired

- "overlaps" in the fractal structure, but I don't care about that (yet)


- mathr.co.uk/tmp/Flame_2019-05-:

- mathr.co.uk/tmp/Flame_2019-05-

#howto #fractorium #flame #fractals #apophysis #chaotica #autostereogram #imagemagick #montage

Last updated 6 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server post.lurk.org

got centred pattern fill working

print at 180dpi (A4) and view cross-eyed from about 7 inches

texture is based on rdex.mathr.co.uk/kiblix/textur

#mandelbulb #autostereogram #reactiondiffusion

Last updated 6 years ago

claude · @mathr
288 followers · 2739 posts · Server post.lurk.org

party like it's 1979


// gcc -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -O3 -o autostereo autostereo.c -lm && ./autostereo > autostereo.ppm
typedef int N;typedef double R;typedef unsigned char B;N main(){srand(time(0));R e=3,a=8,r=100,Z=2,D=18,b=18;N w=1920,h=1080;printf("P6\n%d %d\n255\n",w,h);for(N j=0;j<h;++j){R y=(h*0.5-(j+0.5))/r;B p[w][3];for(N i=0;i<w;++i){R x=(i+0.5-w*0.5)/r;R S=Z*Z-x*x-y*y;R d=S>0?D-sqrt(S):b;N o=floor(fabs(d-a)*e/d*r+rand()/(R)RAND_MAX);if(i-o<0||o==0)for(N c=0; c<3; ++c)p[i][c]=rand();else for(N c=0;c<3;++c)p[i][c]=p[i-o][c];}fwrite(&p[0][0],w*3,1,stdout);}return 0;}

(I have a less obfuscated version but it's too long to toot)

#c99 #autostereogram #sphere #include

Last updated 6 years ago