@Hansonthebike @grivettcarnac Poking around Google Street View for the body heat detectors I found this 🙄 #Autowa
@geekingirl 50 parked personal vehicles and a minute or two extra for car commuters > the effective movement of hundreds of people. This is a classic #autowa #BalancedApproach
In addition to pointing out that not all bike rides are recreational on QED, we should qualify more car trips as recreational. Driving to a recreational destination (e.g. movie or dinner or football game at Lansdowne) is a recreational use of the roadways. #autowa #ottbike #ottawa
Mayor Beige Pants 2 has put a video on Twitter... (seen on Discord).
"New data shows that very few cyclists and pedestrians are using Queen Elizabeth Driveway when it's closed to cars. Watch this video as a great example. When I recorded it yesterday afternoon, not a single pedestrian or cyclist passed me for the entire two and a half minutes."
Wtf. Why is this the fight he's picking?! #Autowa
As @michaelsuddard highlighted, Tobi Nussbaum points out that the active street along the QED finds support in the city's official plan. Amazing how consistently the city seems to work hard to undermine its own commitments. What's that saying about mission statements and budgets?
Yeah the #autowa #BalancedApproach can be found in its budget for road widenings, not in the goals it sets itself in ignored policy documents.
“The fact that there are half a handful of parkways reserved for active transportation in the summer is not exactly cyclist oppression of the masses. What the mayor said is concerning, to put it mildly. Perhaps, after the recent decision to bring cars, buses and trucks back to Wellington Street downtown, I shouldn’t be surprised.”
#ottawa #ottwalk #autowa
@Auxonic @Dianora The #Autowa #BalancedApproach: accelerating towards disaster.
Oh #autowa, basketball nets not currently in use= unacceptable encumbrance. Cars not currently in use = Just fine.
(You'll be shocked, shocked!, to learn that there appears to be free street parking where this basketball net is located.)
"Ottawa's use and care of roads bylaw bars residents from 'encumbering a highway by any means,' which includes leaving unattended basketball nets on the city-owned land next to the street, he added."
This makes sense. Bigger vehicles put more stress on infrastructure and the environment, which means the rest of us are forced to pay more. Besides, “autobesity” is a fun word. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/11/paris-charge-suv-drivers-higher-parking-fees-tackle-auto-besity #autowa
@human3500 And we let the NCC pickup a lot of the slack, even though it also has a lot of #autowa vibes coming off its initiatives. @airfive @mbonsma
The "road closed but only for cars" signs in the #OttBike lane on Booth north on Albert now have "Shared sidewalk, cyclists yield to pedestrians" signs beside them.
In #autowa, the #BalancedApproach is everyone has to fight for scraps while drivers get wide smooth lanes.
#ottbike #autowa #BalancedApproach
@grivettcarnac Not surprising considering this is #Autowa, where repeated illegal parking led to the (former) mayor pushing through a rules change to legalize the illegal parking (at Landsdowne).
Something @davidreevely wrote elsewhere has been stuck in my brain. With Landsdowne, developers succeeded in giving people in the core the combo boring-jarring experience of walking through a suburban parking lot, as though that’s what anyone in the core was ever asking for. #ottawa #lansdownedrive #autowa #ottwalk #ottbike #theglebe
#ottawa #lansdownedrive #autowa #ottwalk #ottbike #theGlebe
You'll be shocked (shocked!) to learn that #autowa mayor Sutcliffe performatively biking to city hall from Wellington West one single time has not result in the city refraining from piling grown-ass human height snow piles in the "winter maintained" #OttBike network blocks from his house.
#autowa #ottbike #ottawa #BalancedApproach