Natura è tutto quello che sappiamo senza avere la capacità di dirlo, tanto impotente è la nostra sapienza a confronto della sua semplicità.
#autumnal #fall🍁 #autumndays #autumn🍁 #autumncolors #autumnweather #fallingleaves #loveautumn
#loveautumn #fallingleaves #autumnweather #autumncolors #autumn #autumndays #fall #autumnal
“There is not much in the autumn woods to make you smile but it is not yet, not quite yet, the saddest time of the year. Only, there is a haunting sense of the imminent cessation of being; the year, in turning, turns in on itself. Introspective weather; a sickroom hush.“
- Angela Carter, The Erl-King
#highgatecemetery #cemetery #spookyseason #autumndays #vintagestyle #menswear #emmydesignsweden
#highgatecemetery #cemetery #spookyseason #autumndays #vintagestyle #Menswear #emmydesignsweden
The Egyptian Avenue at Highgate Cemetery, London. #highgatecemetery #cemetery #london #spookyseason #autumndays
#highgatecemetery #cemetery #london #spookyseason #autumndays
The Egyptian Avenue at Highgate Cemetery, London. #highgatecemetery #cemetery #london #spookyseason #autumndays
#highgatecemetery #cemetery #london #spookyseason #autumndays
The Egyptian Avenue at Highgate Cemetery, London. #highgatecemetery #cemetery #london #spookyseason #autumndays
#highgatecemetery #cemetery #london #spookyseason #autumndays