I'm thrilled to have been a small part of an amazing team to work on uncovering how plants regulate lateral root angles using auxin, PIN auxin transporters, and phosphorylation status. #auxin #phosphorylation #cellbiology #gravitropism https://www.nature.com/articles/s41477-023-01478-x
#auxin #phosphorylation #cellbiology #gravitropism
What if to substitute some positions in the 2,4-D (synthetic analogue of #auxin) to obtain more compounds with auxinic activity?
Take a look in The Plant Journal
Congratulations to all involved!
#Roots are capable of measuring #heat on their own, new study shows.
#roots #heat #sensing #signalling #regulation #auxin #semiochemistry
ARFs are plant TFs that respond to changes in #auxin level; study shows that D-clade ARFs, which lack DNA-binding domains and are found in #lycophytes & #bryophytes, are needed for auxin-regulated transcription in the model #moss Physcomitrium #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3Nbe9YD
#plosbiology #moss #bryophytes #lycophytes #auxin
LAZY hitchhikers on statoliths – The missing link between #amyloplast movement and #auxin redistribution in root #gravitropism?
An insightful (and really entertaining) #preLight post from Gwen Kirschner & Marc Somssich covering two recent #preprints.
#amyloplast #auxin #gravitropism #prelight #preprints
Freshly accepted review about #auxin signalling in time.
by Hugo Caumon and Teva Vernoux
in Journal of Experimental Botany
more details👉https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erad132
#Auxin-dependent regulation of cell division rates governs #Arabidopsis root #thermomorphogenesis
Marcel Quint and colleagues find a direct #temperature-sensing mechanism acting on cell proliferation in the apical #meristem to control #root growth
#auxin #arabidopsis #thermomorphogenesis #temperature #meristem #root
New Discovery Challenges Previously Held Beliefs About the Origin of #Branching in #Plants.
#branching #plants #auxin #signalling #hormones
TOR acts as a metabolic gatekeeper for #auxin-dependent lateral root initiation in #Arabidopsis #thaliana
Emmanuel Gaquerel, Alexis Maizel and coworkers show that shoot-derived sugar activates #TOR signalling to initiate lateral #root formation.
#auxin #arabidopsis #thaliana #Tor #root
Ma et al. explore the regulation of #rice grain #yield traits by #auxin signaling pathways and discuss how we can use these insights to improve #crop breeding. #OpenAccess 🔓⬇️
#JIPB #PlantScience #CropScience
#rice #Yield #auxin #crop #openaccess #JIPB #plantscience #cropscience
Highlighted in issue 6: #Phytosulfokine balancing growth and defense in #plants
Reviews on HIF regulation of #metabolic crosstalk in tumor #microenvironment, and #evolutionary origins of #auxin responses
Phase separation of #Hippo signalling complexes
#Mitochondrial oxidative stress checkpoint via DNA-PKcs and ATM
Cover by @tatsuofukagawa1 and colleagues
#phytosulfokine #plants #metabolic #microenvironment #evolutionary #auxin #hippo #mitochondrial
Scientists uncover #phosphorylation-driven #auxin #signaling pathway for #seed size regulation in #rice.
#biotechnology #agriculture #TGW3 #OsIAA10
#phosphorylation #auxin #signaling #seed #rice #biotechnology #agriculture #tgw3 #osiaa10
Hatte ich letztes Jahr schon Mal gepostet, aber da waren noch viel weniger Gärtner hier am Start🌿🌳
Falls ihr ein schlafendes Auge zum Austrieb bringen wollt: Um die Knospe zum Austreiben zu bewegen wird direkt oberhalb ein kleines, die Knospe halb umgebendes, sichelmondförmiges Stück aus der Rinde bis zum Kambium herausgeschnitten. Mit diesem Schnitt wird der Saftfluss der Assimilate von der Krone zur Wurzel unterbunden @plants #Phytohormon #Auxin #Apikaldominanz #Garten #Rosen #Obst
#phytohormon #auxin #apikaldominanz #garten #rosen #obst
RT @embojournal
New review:
The birth of a giant: evolutionary insights into the origin of auxin responses in plants
@dolfweijers and colleagues @WUR provide an evolutionary perspective on #auxin, the key regulator of plant growth and development
New #Review:
The birth of a giant: evolutionary insights into the origin of auxin responses in plants
Dolf Weijers and colleagues provide an #evolutionary perspective on #auxin, the key regulator of #plant growth and development
#review #evolutionary #auxin #plant
Pioneering approach advances study of #CTCF #protein in #transcription biology.
#ctcf #protein #transcription #aid1 #zincfingers #auxin
#Sperm motility and anchoring of the #spore capsule in spreading #earthmoss.
#bryophytes #auxin #PINC #Physcomitrella #spermatogenesis
#sperm #spore #earthmoss #bryophytes #auxin #pinc #physcomitrella #spermatogenesis
RT @HohlbeinLab@twitter.com
Dr. #MattiaFontana’s opus magnum “Cooperative action of separate interaction domains promotes high-affinity DNA binding of Arabidopsis thaliana ARF transcription factors” now on @biorxivpreprint@twitter.com. Great collab with @dolfweijers@twitter.com and lab! #smFRET, #auxin, https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.16.516730 1/n
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HohlbeinLab/status/1593162466741321728
RT @qpb_journal: 🚨New article🚨
“Temporal and spatial auxin responsive networks in maize primary roots”
By Maxwell McReynolds et al.
#auxin #coexpression #generegulation #maize #networks #roots 🌱
@JustinWWalley @KelleyDior @melissa_draves @LinkanDash6 @d…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Plants_EFSA/status/1584640938726789120
#auxin #coexpression #generegulation #Maize #networks #roots