UAV-borne GPR for Snowpack Investigations #remotesensing #radar #avalanches #naturalhazards
#remotesensing #radar #avalanches #NaturalHazards
#Avalanches released 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition with their Since I Left You album remixed (in 2021, but I just bumped into it).
Good stuff:
#music #electronica #downtempo #chillout #listening
#avalanches #music #electronica #downtempo #chillout #listening
A map of the 1974 Avalanches in Neskaupstaður (East Iceland) made by Anna Karen Marinósdóttir in 2020 in the course 'Cartography and Map Design' at the University of Iceland #geography #landfræði #kortagerð #cartography #maps #avalanches #naturalhazards #iceland
#geography #landfrædi #kortagerd #cartography #maps #avalanches #NaturalHazards #Iceland
Ofanflóðakortasjá - Avalanche Map Viewer by The Icelandic Met Office (Veðurstofan): View historic records of avalanches from selected communities around Iceland at #avalanches #naturalhazards #risk #snow #hazard #climatechange
#avalanches #NaturalHazards #risk #snow #hazard #ClimateChange
Two people were killed and four others were caught in two separate #avalanches in Colorado since Friday, the authorities said. | #avalanche #Colorado #skiing @nytimes Two People Are Killed in Separate Colorado Avalanches
#avalanches #avalanche #colorado #skiing
The Snow and Mountain Studies Center of Andorra (CENMA) displays the ATES map (Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale) in a 3D viewer to make winter mountain activities safer #avalanches
RT @MeteoFrance_SE: #VigilanceJaune #avalanches sur Alpes et Pyrénées.
Instabilités dans la neige récente, fortement ventée en altitude.
Risque marqué sur les massifs Capcir Puymorens dans les Pyrénées, Ubaye, Embrunais Parpaillon, Queyras, Champsaur, Pelvoux et Thabor dans les Alpes.
[14/03 19:56]
RT @MeteoFrance_SE: #VigilanceJaune #avalanches sur les Alpes et les Pyrénées.
En particulier, les massifs du Thabor, du Pelvoux et du Champsaur sont en risque FORT.
Ce risque fort concerne les déclenchements par les skieurs, au-dessus de 2400 m d'altitude.
[13/03 17:21]
RT @MeteoFrance_SE: #VigilanceJaune #Avalanches sur Alpes et Pyrénées.
En particulier, risque fort samedi 11 mars sur les massifs des Hautes-Alpes et l'Ubaye, au-dessus de 2100m.
Ce risque concerne les déclenchements provoqués.
[10/03 15:59]
RT @lachainemeteo
La ❄️ qui a été absente pendant un mois de janvier à février est de retour. Dans les Alpes comme ici à #Courchevel, on attend 80 à 120 cm à 2000 mètres et jusqu'à 150 cm à 2500 m. Le risque d'#avalanches deviendra élevé sur une grande partie du massif alpin. (image : skaping)
Global News BC: 3 German nationals dead after avalanche near Invermere, B.C.: mayor of German municipality #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DeadlyAvalanche #fatalavalanche #avalanches #avalanche #Invermere #Panorama #Canada #BCRCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #deadlyavalanche #fatalavalanche #avalanches #avalanche #invermere #Panorama #Canada #BCRCMP
"As the #climate changes, weather events that may have been rare in a given area, appear to be occurring more often."
#snow #avalanches
The snow-covered mountains are currently attracting winter sports enthusiasts. But the fresh snow is dangerous. . Anyone traveling in the mountains should protect themselves. This video shows how to protect yourself from avalanches. ❄️
Some odd things can occur when you physically overlay a #CD against its big #Vinyl sister 😵💫
Excuse my shadow on this one 🫠 #Vinyl #VinylCollection #CDCollection #Avalanches #SinceILeftYou
#sinceileftyou #avalanches #cdcollection #vinylcollection #vinyl #cd
Global News BC: Avalanche survivor from 2003 calling 2023 a challenging season, says be cautious, aware #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #dangeroussnowpacklevels #dangeroussnowpack #southerninterior #AvalancheCanada #fatalavalanche #RockyMountains #snowpacklevels #BCBackcountry #BCavalanches #avalanches #BCInterior #Revelstoke #avalanche #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #dangeroussnowpacklevels #dangeroussnowpack #southerninterior #AvalancheCanada #fatalavalanche #rockymountains #snowpacklevels #BCBackcountry #BCavalanches #avalanches #BCInterior #revelstoke #avalanche #Canada
⚠️Risque #Avalanches ce mardi, sur #Pyrénées et également #Alpes en particulier Alpes du Sud (Queyras et Ubaye) suite aux chutes de #neige abondantes depuis hier en lien avec le retour d'Est.
#avalanches #pyrenees #alpes #neige
Dug a snow pit to take a closer look at the snowpack near #tahoe #avalanches #snow
#avalanches Compte tenu des importantes chutes de neige attendues sur l'ensemble des massifs de #HauteSavoie ces prochaines heures, le risque d'avalanche est fort (4/5) pour la journée de demain. Pratiquants de la montagne, soyez extrêmement prudents!
I just got an email from the journal called 'Frontiers in Psychiatry' and now I just have that Avalanches song going round my head.
#research #science #avalanches