I honestly hate `Interaction` in #ReactiveUI / #AvaloniaUI . Overly complicated
Sonic McOrigins **Plus** is coming to this year's @SAGExpo on September 1st!
Enjoy re-creations of all 20 #mcdonalds LCD games featuring #sonicthehedgehog .
And this year, you can even take them on the go!
#mcdonalds #sonicthehedgehog #sage23 #indiedev #gamedev #dotnet #avaloniaui
What I really really could use, is an in-depth guide for implementing keyboard tabbing in #avalonia or #wpf. How to set correct tabbing inside and cross user controls etc. #avaloniaui #wpf
Since somehow Avalonia did forget to post this on Mastodon I will do it 😋
#avalonia #avaloniaui #dotnet #XAML
Did someone get the new Avalonia browser apps working inside a docker?
I already got it build without issues but the part to host it is impossible for me.
#AvaloniaUi #CSharp #DotNetCore #DotNet #Docker #Dockerized #WebApp #WASM
#avaloniaui #csharp #dotnetcore #dotnet #docker #dockerized #webapp #wasm
I've found myself in lots of discussions lately around what to do now that #XamarinForms has a hard EOL deadline. Curious to know: what is the broader #MobileDev community using for writing #iOS and #Android apps?
There are tons of choices, so I'm interested to know what your teams are using and why (especially if you picked "other").
Boosts appreciated! 🚀
#SoftwareDevelopment #MobileDevelopment #MAUI #ReactNative #Flutter #FlutterDev #Xamarin #Kotlin #Swift #UnoPlatform #AvaloniaUI #dotnet
#xamarinforms #mobiledev #ios #android #softwaredevelopment #mobiledevelopment #maui #reactnative #flutter #flutterdev #xamarin #kotlin #swift #unoplatform #avaloniaui #dotnet
I'm trying to build some media viewer or manager which would be as configurable and extensible as vim. I chose #avaloniaui because it's a high-level and cross-platform desktop GUI solution (honestly i don't know many others) but i feel like #mvvm is an extra thing for my project. I felt kinda the same when i did a to-do list app with Avalonia though. Probably that's the same as with OOP: when the project is small it feels like overhead but i'll hopefully have some benefits in future
Congratulations to the FuncUI team for reach 666 stars!
AvaloniaUI and F# make a wonderful combination for declarative UI.
#fsharp #avaloniaui #dotnet #csharp
Programar es com solucionar problemes
A principis de la semana passada estava interactuant amb màquines virtuals usant virt-manager.
Problema: a mi personalment no m'agrada gens l'interficie de #virtmanager.
Així que vaig decidir començar a crear una aplicació amb #dotnet i #avaloniaui que interactuant amb #libvirt permet gestionar e interactuar amb màquines virtuals.
La seguiré desenvolupant durant el meu temps lliure.
Tinc planejat publicar-la com una aplicació open-source aviat.
#virtmanager #dotnet #avaloniaui #libvirt
@khalidabuhakmeh And what a S**tshow that was... But I can respect the goal. Anything to challenge the JavaScript madness. Since you keep posting about #AvaloniaUI, I've started looking into it. Looks interesting that it can output to webassembly as well. I'm interested to see how well that plays and how competetion with #maui is doing
https://v.redd.it/efhuk7n8is0b1 #avaloniaui I really want them to succeed but I find everything disjointed… you have all these amazing tech demos but no follow through. Where is the long term strategy that I can look at as a business/developer… and plan accordingly. Recently there was talk of new documentation… we saw some tech demos at last years build conf, what happened to them. Lots of excitement and potential. #dotnet
In Resona I wanted to have the currently playing track scroll into view as play proceeds through an audiobook.
I think I've come up with quite an elegant reusable solution using an attached behavior. All you need is an `ItemsControl` inside a `ScrollViewer`, and access to the current index from your view model.
You can see the code here: https://github.com/mikegoatly/Resona/blob/main/src/Resona.UI/Behaviors/AutoScrollToIndexBehavior.cs
TIL that in #avaloniaui you can dynamically switch on a class for a control by binding it to a boolean property in your view model.
In the screenshot I'm switching the class from `playing` to `paused` based on the `IsPlaying` property, applying the appropriate styling accordingly. Being able to use the `!` negation on the value is also neat - no value converter needed!
Progress on my #RemoteRigControl #HamRadio project! I'm using #AvaloniaUI to control my radio, which is out in the shed.
Next up, I just need to figure out how to do this when the user holds down the button.
Then I have to figure out audio transport (currently using mumble).
So much fun to be had combining my job and my hobbies.
#csharp #dotnet #amateurradio #programming #avaloniaui #hamradio #remoterigcontrol
#Skipper project update...added a home button showing all user pages and settings in one full-screen menu. Also, users can select their favorite ⭐️ pages to appear on the bottom menu bar. This change allows users to have commonly used information at just one touch but leaves a place for accessing less used, but still useful pages. #Boating #SignalK #AvaloniaUI done in @avaloniaui and #dotnet.
#Skipper #Boating #SignalK #avaloniaui #dotnet
@mikecodesdotnet @avaloniaui Thanks have been trying to get an answer since last year... until there is updated information from the project regarding this we can't pitch #AvaloniaUI as a solution to clients for mobile and web projects
@avaloniaui Can you please post an update on the progress made on accessibility on mobile platforms per https://dev.to/avalonia/turning-it-up-to-11-34jn you mention "We now have full support for accessibility on Window and MacOS" what about iOS, Android and WASM? #Accessibility #A11y #DotNet #AvaloniaUI cc: @mikecodesdotnet
#accessibility #a11y #dotnet #avaloniaui