Maybe You're The Problem by Ava Max.
Gizmodo: The Mic Cardi B Threw at a Fan Just Sold for Nearly $100,000 on eBay #woundedwarriorproject #scottfisher #beberexha #gizmodo #cardib #avamax #tiktok #iphone #bloods #cardi #bodak #ring #up
#woundedwarriorproject #scottfisher #beberexha #gizmodo #cardib #avamax #tiktok #iphone #bloods #cardi #bodak #ring #up
Gizmodo: The Microphone Cardi B Threw at a Fan Is Up for Sale on eBay if You Have $100,000 #woundedwarriorproject #entertainmentculture #scottfisher #microphone #beberexha #gizmodo #cardib #avamax #tiktok #iphone #bloods #cardi #bodak #shure #up
#woundedwarriorproject #entertainmentculture #scottfisher #microphone #beberexha #gizmodo #cardib #avamax #tiktok #iphone #bloods #cardi #bodak #shure #up
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Cardi B Hurls Microphone at Woman Who Threw a Drink at Her Onstage #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #kelseaballerini #millivanilli #bodakyellow #oppenheimer #cameronbure #harrystyles #tonybennett #bobgeldof #beberexha #jojosiwa #cardib #sinead #avamax #bloods #cardi #bodak #siwa #gaga #up
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #kelseaballerini #millivanilli #bodakyellow #Oppenheimer #cameronbure #harrystyles #tonybennett #bobgeldof #beberexha #jojosiwa #cardib #sinead #avamax #bloods #cardi #bodak #siwa #gaga #up
Lançamentos de Sexta: Trilha de Barbie e hits de Britney Spears, The Weeknd, Ludmilla e Anitta são destaques
#Zayn #TravisScott #Weeknd #SamSmith #PoesiaAcústica #PedroSampaio #Ludmilla #LançamentosDeSexta #HarryStyles #FilipeRet #BritneySpears #Barbie #BadBunny #AvaMax #Alok #ViNoInstagram #Música
#zayn #will #travisscott #weeknd #samsmith #poesiaacustica #pedrosampaio #ludmilla #lancamentosdesexta #HarryStyles #filiperet #britneyspears #barbie #badbunny #avamax #alok #vinoinstagram #musica
Okay, that snippet of Choose Your Fighter by #AvaMax is so sick!
Trust that it will be streamed, played, and on full blast all day everyday for the next month after it releases. I pity my neighbors when the day of the serve comes.
Lançamentos de Sexta: Clipe sensual de Shakira, retorno icônico de Olivia Rodrigo e muito mais!
Confira! 👇
#ToniGarrido #Weeknd #Shakira #RitaOra #OliviaRodrigo #MarceloFalcão #ManuelTurizo #LançamentosDeSexta #JorgeEMateus #FelipeAraújo #CopaVacía #AvaMax #Alok #ViNoInstagram #Música
#tonigarrido #weeknd #shakira #ritaora #oliviarodrigo #marcelofalcao #manuelturizo #lancamentosdesexta #jorgeemateus #felipearaujo #copavacia #avamax #alok #vinoinstagram #musica
Treading similar territory as #AlanisMorissette and #Lorde, #AvaMax sings of a relationship with someone who's ummable, but carries a lot of emotional baggage. Will the singer's character be ruled by their head, or their urges?
"Sweet but psycho" was an early ultra-long-runner, 15 weeks at Vlaamse nummer één. Songs remain popular forever in the streaming error.
#nowpop40 #avamax #lorde #AlanisMorissette
Twice ツウィ可愛い / Happy Holiday Tzuyu / Christmas Without You / #Shorts
#avamax #avamaxchistmas #avamaxchristmaswithoutyou #christmaswithoutyou #cutetzuyu #cutetzuyumoments #happyholiday #merrychristmas #ONCE #Shorts #TWICE #twicetzuyu #twicetzuyucute #twiceツウィ #twiceツウィ可愛い #Tzuyu #tzuyucute #tzuyucutefancam #ツウィ #ツウィtwice #ツウィ可愛い #ハッピーホリデー #メリークリスマス #ワンズ
#shorts #avamax #avamaxchistmas #avamaxchristmaswithoutyou #christmaswithoutyou #cutetzuyu #cutetzuyumoments #happyholiday #merrychristmas #once #twice #twicetzuyu #twicetzuyucute #twiceツウィ #twiceツウィ可愛い #tzuyu #tzuyucute #tzuyucutefancam #ツウィ #ツウィtwice #ツウィ可愛い #ハッピーホリデー #メリークリスマス #ワンズ
Broadcast my emotions on the radio and get'em off my chest
Genius lyrics #AvaMax
Lately, I've realized what kind of songs I like. That is, "the music that I like the lyrics and the melody, additionally my body gets moving with the lyrics and the melody.”
As a result, my music library is filled with earnest rock music under the mask of pop.
e. g.
”Rain On Me” #LadyGAGA #ArianaGrande
”Kings & Queens” #AvaMax
”no tears left to cry” #ArianaGrande
”You Need To Calm Down” #TaylorSwift
“Anyone Who Loves me” #CharlotteCardin
#ladygaga #arianagrande #avamax #taylorswift #charlottecardin
”Rain On Me” #LadyGAGA #ArianaGrande とか
”Kings & Queens” #AvaMax とか
”no tears left to cry” #ArianaGrande とか
”You Need To Calm Down” #TaylorSwift とか
“Anyone Who Loves me” #CharlotteCardin とか。
”This Land” #GaryClarkJr. とか
"Ludens” , “MANTRA” #BringMeTheHorizon とか
“Native Son“ #AlterBridge とか。
#alterbridge #bringmethehorizon #garyclarkjr #charlottecardin #taylorswift #avamax #arianagrande #ladygaga
Ok I limited myself to two. The #AvaMax vinyl color will be a surprise. The #CarolinePolacheck album is a cool copper color.
I wish they listed the colors in the description. Which one is the violet version? #AvaMax #DiamondsAndDancefloors
#avamax #diamondsanddancefloors