Qui c’est qui a envie d’enchérir sur toutes les fringues de #avasarala ? 😬 https://propstoreauction.com/lot-details/index/catalog/377/lot/115635?url=%2Fauctions%2Fcatalog%2Fid%2F377%3Fpage%3D10
During a rewatch of #ER, I immediately looked up at hearing the unmistakable voice of this beautiful lady. All hail the amazingly fabulous Queen of #TheExpanse, #ShohrehAgdashloo! #Avasarala #Goddess #ScreamingFirehawks
#screamingfirehawks #er #theexpanse #shohrehagdashloo #avasarala #goddess
The hero we need and deserve
RT @AvasaralaBot@twitter.com
I have the power to do it because I'm the fucking hero who helped save Mother Earth.
Season 2, Paradigm Shift
#Avasarala #TheExpanse
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AvasaralaBot/status/1615293975123955720
I want every single one of Chrisjen Avasarala's outfits in The Expanse. #avasarala #ChrisjenAvasarala #theExpanse #shorehAgashdaloo #fashion
#avasarala #chrisjenavasarala #theexpanse #shorehagashdaloo #fashion
Where's the Chrisjen Avasarala love around here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmRQXpbeA-0
#avasarala #chrisjenavasarala #theexpanse #shorehagashdaloo
RT @GyorgyiSzladek@twitter.com
So #TheExpanse is trending again...
high time for more #Avasarala outfit admiration
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GyorgyiSzladek/status/1595903366281961473
From 22 Dec: The Expanse Invites You on a Rocinante Tour With Shohreh Aghdashloo - All hail Chrissie. Image: Amazon Studios So what if the Rocinante isn’t exactly Avasarala’... https://gizmodo.com/the-expanse-invites-you-on-a-rocinante-tour-with-shohre-1848255799 #actors #aghdashloo #avasarala #entertainment-culture #expanse #inaros #james-holden #keon-alexander #keon-alexander-reflects #minor-planets #rocinante #shohreh #shohreh-aghdashloo #television-series #the-expanse
#the #television #shohreh #rocinante #minor #keon #james #inaros #expanse #entertainment #avasarala #aghdashloo #actors
RT @orionlodubyal@twitter.activitypub.actor
#Avasarala's hand terminal with the predictive text: "f*ck | f*cker | f*cked | f*cking" has me screaming! It's like looking at my own iPhone honestly 😆🚀 #screamingfirehawks #chrisjenavasarala #TheExpanse #shohrehaghdashloo
#avasarala #screamingfirehawks #chrisjenavasarala #theexpanse #shohrehaghdashloo
There is a fair share of #badassery going on in the #Expanse. But by a long strecht my favourite is #Avasarala. Especially the grumpy halfmad granma version of her telling #Drummer how the world works 😂
#badassery #expanse #avasarala #drummer