@joaopinheiro @dancinyogi Fun fact: this is why #JimCameron focused on encouraging empathy for whales in #Avatar2. #Avatar1 was about saving trees, but whales are even more important.
@mikeyarris I haven't see #Avatar2 since #Avatar1 was so presumptive and over the top.
The whole cgi movie concept of conflict = war/explosions and pandering to natives+Hero human vs military is old and way overdone.
#confession #film #SF #sondagepourlefun
J'avoue, je n'ai pas fini de voir #avatar1, j'ai trouvé ça euh... bof
#avatar2 arrive. Est-ce que ça mérite que je m'y replonge? :)
#avatar2 #avatar1 #sondagepourlefun #sf #film #confession