@joaopinheiro @dancinyogi Fun fact: this is why #JimCameron focused on encouraging empathy for whales in #Avatar2. #Avatar1 was about saving trees, but whales are even more important.
Avatar 2 überzeugt mich leider so überhaupt gar nicht. Endlos langatmige, überschaubare Story und viele Actionszenen. 🥱
Nach dem ersten Film hätte Schluss sein sollen.
В принципі Аватар 2 сподобався. Не гидотний як на мене.
Одне не зрозумів, як 2 персонажа могли душити один одного під водою, де вони не можуть дихати, і задушити...
А потім все одно увох вижити після цього.
Як це працює?
Avatar 1 - the aliens were suitably different from humans that, while ridiculous in places, it was a good film.
Avatar 2 - why did they bother making them aliens? This is a film about Americans doing American things to non-Americans. The aliens are displaying all the usual movie family tropes. Why am I watching this and why do I still have 5 hours go to before the end?
Agree! See also @maxkennerly on James Cameron, Avatar 2, and whalers.
So I watched the rest of #Avatar. Good god is that movie 12 hours long or what? Every cliche imaginable. Oh and there were bits of Aliens, The Abyss and Terminator in there plot and script wise. Even with all the work done on it, when humans are in scenes with Smurfs, their lighting is not quite right. You can tell they were filmed on an enclosed set due to the lighting at times, when the Smurfs are romping around outside at the same time. Some CGI gremlins in there too from time to time.
Jake Sully is a shit character too, causes issues for everyone around him, they should just shoot him.
The way they got Sigourney back in by being her own daughter is hilarious. Like her adult character was able to have kids at her age. But it's all to make a Christ like kid who solves everything magically.
I will forget how bad this is, shortly, and never watch it again.
#avatar #movies #avatar2 #crap
I finally got around to watching Avatar 2. It was the okayest blockbuster experience of my life. Utterly forgettable, but somehow I'll still watch the next one.
Elves meet mermaids, versus other elves who are (or were) people. Something something gaia. Something something save the whales. Something like 3 hours long.
How #Avatar ’s #VFX Became So Realistic
#behindthescenes #makingof #movie #avatarthewayofwater #avatar2 @pixelpartner
#avatar2 #AvatarTheWayOfWater #movie #makingof #behindthescenes #vfx #avatar
This week Jim gets out in the world with dinner and alotments, Darren goes to a comedy night and Lee... Well he watches Guy Richies latest film The Covenant, "enjoys" at vast length his new experience on Pandora with Avatar 2: The Way of the Water and then goes a bit too method with his review of this weeks movie.. Ben Wheatleys folk horror, In The Earth
#Review #Film #Movie #Avatar2 #InTheEarth #FolkHorror #Horror #humour #Podcast #Episode
#review #film #movie #avatar2 #intheearth #folkhorror #horror #Humour #podcast #episode
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora looks like Mirror’s Edge with flying and I’m digging it
Run, jump, fly over the world of the Na'vi
#News #Avatar #Avatar2 #FrontiersOfPandora #ubisoft
#ubisoft #frontiersofpandora #avatar2 #avatar #News
#LetterboxdFriday #LastFourWatched
#Letterboxd #Filmastodon #Cinemastodon #Movie #Movies #Film #Films #Avatar #AvatarTheWayofWater #Avatar2 #TheWayOfWater #FlaminHot #DisneyPlus #Disney #Hulu
#letterboxdfriday #lastfourwatched #letterboxd #filmastodon #cinemastodon #movie #movies #film #films #avatar #avatarthewayofwater #avatar2 #thewayofwater #flaminhot #disneyplus #disney #hulu
Avatar: The Way of Water on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/2E2E
#Disney #Avatar #TheWayOfWater #AvatarTheWayofWater #Avatar2
#nowwatching #disneyplus #disney #avatar #thewayofwater #avatarthewayofwater #avatar2
Eigentlich sollte es längst verboten sein, Wale zu töten. #walfang mit Sprengharpunen ist grausam. Es gibt genug Dokumentationen, die dieses qualvolle Leid zeigen, sogar in #avatar2 wurde diese Form von Gemetzel aufgegriffen und dargestellt.
#petition von #changeorg
#changeorg #petition #avatar2 #walfang
✅endlich #Avatar2 geguckt
✅Übungsweise Charge Muffins gebacken
✅Zutaten für 'IchBinDerNeue'*-Muffin Charge eingepackt
✅Fahrrad eingepackt
Nächste Arbeitswoche am Horizont 👀
*scheiß Sozialkrams 🫣😬
#NowWatching 🍿 Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) https://letterboxd.com/film/avatar-the-way-of-water/ #Avatar2 #TheWayOfTheWater #Avatar
#nowwatching #avatar2 #thewayofthewater #avatar #FilmMastodon #CinemaMastodon #Letterboxd #boxd
Finally managed to see #Avatar2 last night, and I kept thinking: I hope the next Cameron film isn't obsessed with American military machismo. Yeah, usually they're villains, but it's just become so tiresome. Even Sully treats his family like a battalion. WTF?
When was the last Cameron movie that wasn't full of "Semper Fi!" posturing and dick-waving? Was it "Titanic"?
I guess I just want some pure escapism, and having this rifle-toting asshole colonel driving the plot sorta ruins that for me.