For anyone playing the Avatar Legends ttrpg, here's a soundtrack and ambience playlist.
The game we're playing is set pre AtLA, so there's almost no Korra era music here. I want to also make a jazzier Republic City era playlist sometime.
I am recruiting players for a weekly Avatar Legends game on Mondays! Check this post to learn more about it!
Play Avatar Legends: The RPG Online | Balance, Truth, Growth, Mastery - Avatar Legends
#paidgm #avatarlegends #pbta #lookingforplayers #ttrpg
MEANWHILE. I've more or less got the cast of pregen characters for an upcoming #AvatarLegends one-shot sorted. They include:
A Fire Nation deserter.
An Air Nomad with a Mission.
A Would Be Pirate.
A Gracious Host (who will stab you).
A Country Bumpkin with Stone Fists.
And a Wandering Scholar who is Too Old For This Shit.
In the meanwhile, I'm tinkering around with writing an #AvatarLegends one shot, and I've run into a bit of a snag.
See, most RPGs I've played focus on what the characters can DO. Skills, powers, spell lists, whatever.
However, Avatar Legends' playbooks focus more on who the characters ARE. Which ... is tricky. As I'm a lot more used to just throwing together a bunch of stats for pre-gen characters, and letting the players figure it out from there.
what i thought i would be doing this summer and autumn: running lots of weekly #PF2e APs for paying customers
what i am doing this summer and autumn: running lots of bi-weekly #GbM, #MotW, #AvatarLegends and #MasksNG for fellow queer friends <3
#pf2e #gbm #motw #avatarlegends #MasksNG #fitd #pbta
#rpgaday2023 Day 25 - Unplayed RPG I own
A lot of my RPGs I played at least once, but like most of you there is a pile of shame in my bookshelf too.
#avatarlegends - been talking about this one this month already. I like PtbA games, but I am wary about the balance mechanic. Kids will probably force me to GM it anyway.
Day 16: Game I Wished I Owned
This one is hard because I own most of the games that I want to. So I'll's #TribesIntheDark. Like a fancy print version with all of the bells and whistles, maybe a couple new sourcebooks.
I also kind of wish that #AvatarLegends was #CortexPrime instead of #PbtA. And there was an official version of #Exalted that is *not* Storyteller.
#tribesinthedark #avatarlegends #cortexprime #pbta #exalted #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg
Will it bend? 🤔
Tell me about your creative bending techniques and bending moments
#TTRPG #AvatarLegends #AvatarTheLastAirbender #AvatarTheLegendOfKorra
#ttrpg #avatarlegends #avatarthelastairbender #avatarthelegendofkorra
Recruiting for a brand new Avatar Legends campaign! Will you be a bender? An inventor? A combat master? What adventures await us in the time of Avatar Korra?
Balance, Truth, Growth, Mastery - Avatar Legends
Day 6 - Favorite RPG I never play
Hard to tell. First I will just look at it from a fictional perspective. Games which capture my imagination. So, my choice is #avatarlegends . I really like the Avatarverse, but the balance mechanic is stressing me out just by reading. As a player, no problem, anytime. But I'd have to gm it.
From a mechanical perspective I would like to play #FATE , but no group around, so what to do?
#rpgaday2023 #avatarlegends #fate
Day 4 - Most recent game I bought
That would be the kickstarted new Version of City of Mist. I was eyeing it ever since I listened to the actual play by @3w6fm
Since I recently came to play some more PtbA games it was the right time to go.
On the other hand, there is still my copy of the #AvatarLegends RPG lying around. Though it got me hooked up on the Avatarverse once more, I don't like the balance mechanic.
A game of #AvatarLegends to kick off #GenCon
Love playing games on my home team's field!
1. First RPG played this year?
Had to look this up and didn't get around to it until today:
First game I played this year was #avatarlegends
First game I ran this year was a one-shot #TransformersRPG game.
#rpgaday2023 #avatarlegends #TransformersRPG
Leafed through the #AvatarLegends RPG the other night, and read the little sidebar explaining "No, you can't play the Avatar. And you probably shouldn't play any of the canon characters, either. If you're lucky they'll show up as quest-giver NPC's."
Which, y'know, is a little frustrating. It's also got me wondering about the terms of the licensing deal, and then more metatextual issues about, say, fanfic and creative entertainment and the like.
Check out this Fire Nation town I made for the Aang era and let me know what you think! #avatarlegends #AvatarLegendsRPG #avatarthelastairbender #legendofkorra #PoweredByTheApocalypse #pbta #homebrew
#avatarlegends #avatarlegendsrpg #avatarthelastairbender #legendofkorra #PoweredByTheApocalypse #pbta #homebrew
Bon, on a joué à #AvatarLegends, ce soir...
Les joueuses étaient motivées et ont bien interprété leur personnage. 🙂
C'est moi qui me suis déçu. Je n'ai pas très bien exploité le contexte.
Et, surtout, le système de combat est vraiment trop touffu pour un pbta.
Je comprends bien que c'est une tentative de retranscrire le style cinématographique des combats de la série, mais c'est assez compliqué de se l'approprier pour une première partie.
Je vais chercher des hacks de fans, je pense.🙂
Woo, my #FoundryVTT system got a namecheck in the new #AvatarLegends RPG Kickstarter update!
Now that a fan tools licence has been worked out, my #AvatarLegends system is finally showing up in the #FoundryVTT system directory! 🥳
Avatar Legends Starter Set available at Target. With a coupon for Demiplane. Congrats
#ttrpg #rpg #AvatarLegends
Was nehme ich mit für das nächste mal? Auf jeden Fall, dass es ein nächstes mal geben muss. Die Orga macht da einen richtigen tollen Job!
Wenn es bei der nächsten #BavariaCon wieder das Zeitlimit von 4 Stunden gibt, werde ich schauen Herzens etwas anderes anbieten. Ich liebe #earthdawn aber es ist für so eine kurze Zeit zu Regelschwer.
Die Sammlung gibt ja auch andere Systeme her
#SunderedSkies #AvatarLegends #MonsterOfTheWeek #BeyondTheWall oder auch etwas ganz anderes. Wir werden sehen.
#bavariacon #earthdawn #SunderedSkies #avatarlegends #monsteroftheweek #beyondthewall