#Defector announces new #crossword feature in collaboration with #AVCX: “Stronger for their creators' voices, playful with language, and interested in more than Mel OTT, Bobby ORR and the ALOU brothers.” https://defector.com/introducing-the-defector-crossword
TFW the crossword puzzle cracks me up by mocking Tweety Musk Man. #crossword #avcx #JesusTakeTheWheel
#crossword #avcx #jesustakethewheel
Doing the AVCX xword by Nediger and really bummed that “Where Bowie died” wasn’t NYC. #ThatOtherBowie #AVCX #crossword
#thatotherbowie #avcx #crossword
The punniness of the AVCX BEYONCE (BE ON SAY) is terrible in the best possible way. And a nifty earwormhole theme in the Fireball. Always nice to see some love for KIRBY.
Mimi assisted as I did some random crosswords. The Inkubator POCKETS theme is amazing, and the CLUING on 28D is so perfect.
AVCX: I don't know that I'd recognize any of their songs, but BANANARAMA has such a fantastic name. And who doesn't love a MAGICFOREST full of unicorns and fairies?
From Luckystreak, I learned the fabulous expressions CORNCOBBING and YOUBETYOURBOOTS, and that parenthetical clue for 24D is hilarious.
#crossword #avcx #luckystreak #inkubator