Aventon Abound - first ride
I hemmed and hawed on many models, but as my goal is to replace all trips <5 miles with a bike, I knew I would get more out of investing in one that could haul groceries. It doubles as a way to keep my heavy backpack clean and off my back when riding.
I didn't open her up as I took a main street without a bike lane, but you can see the downhill in the results 😉
Should I record an overview/ride?
#bicycle #ebike #aventon #abound #FirstRide #walkablecities #electric
#bicycle #ebike #aventon #abound #firstride #walkablecities #electric
@aj really depends what your use cases are and what feels good to ride. That said, i found the #aventon pace 500.3 to be an amazing value compared to some others. But there are tons of new bike form factors enabled by adding a motor, so definitely go try some out. Rad power is also cheap but looks a bit sketch right now from a support standpoint. You really need a local ebike shop to try a bunch.
Well done, #aventon this thing really is a masterpiece and quickly becoming my favorite bike!
Grocery shopping on my #Aventon, only possible thanks to 60 deg weather. Passed by the flower shop to buy the wife flowers and a sign saying the business is abandoned.
Any #Aventon fans on here? Would love to connect with other Aventure riders out there
Aventon Launches the Aventure.2 Fat Tire Ebike #BikeTypes #Fatbike #Aventon #e-Bike
#biketypes #fatbike #aventon #e