Hasbro-WotC's self destruction made me look into some other games. Most folk I game with won't go that far outside it so no narrative indy games. Was looking at these games cause of my language learnings. So trying out the computer games based on them. Probably not the best way to choose games but...
Darkar och Demoner, a Swedish D&D like game, is getting a translation called Dragonbane. Just looks like a generic D&D like system but with duck people. It might have had an adjoined setting but that may now be with another company's spin off or something. The computer game is a very cut down Diablo like called Dragonfire: The Well of Souls.
Das Schwarze Auge, a German D&D like, interesting as one of the few games to outsell D&D or other big U.S TTRPGs (CoC, VtM) in its home country. Translated as The Dark Eye in English. Has a default setting called 🤌 Aventuria 🤌 (sounds very Italian in my head). Apparently it was doing the whole living setting à la Living Greyhawk before it was cool. with regards to computer games, played the point and click adventure games a couple of years ago. Played Demonicon, an action RPG, last month and the Blackguard games, like a cross of a CRPG with more tactical elements, just there. There's a few more older ones I might grab at some point.
Will look more at the books at some point, been watching some actual plays. Maybe try and pester some folk I know to give it a shot. Maybe if I progress in my language learning look at them in their original tongues.
#Dragonbane #DrakarOchDemoner #DoD #TheDarkEye #DasSchwarzeAuge #DSA #Aventuria
#dragonbane #drakarochdemoner #dod #thedarkeye #dasschwarzeauge #dsa #aventuria