Steph Mok · @EcoActivist
15 followers · 470 posts · Server
Mr Jau @work · @mrjau
48 followers · 606 posts · Server

Ich bekämpfe meine gegen und importiere CSV Dateien per in eine Datenbank.

#aversion #excel #powershell

Last updated 1 year ago

CdaleCO Rider, RN · @CdaleCO
369 followers · 555 posts · Server

I have friends who call me respectfully their favorite . But, for the life of me I can't understand their to , though , their love of though hatred of and loss, their championing of as long as it does not impact their freedoms; ie, , their despise of but it is ok to tax others just not them, their desire to live in the w prevalent & short spans. I find them and ?

#republican #libtard #aversion #vaccines #educated #guns #war #freedoms #masks #taxes #past #disease #life #confusing #illogical

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
323 followers · 433 posts · Server

Today in Labor History December 15, 1973: The American Psychiatric Association voted to remove homosexuality from its official list of psychiatric disorders, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In the 1950s and 1960s, some therapists used aversion therapy to "cure" male homosexuality. Like in Anthony Burgess’s, “A Clockwork Orange,” they would show patients pictures of naked men while giving them electric shocks or drugs to make them puke. In the 1973 vote, 5,854 members voted to remove homosexuality from the DSM, while 3,810 voted to retain it. In a compromise, they agreed to remove homosexuality from the DSM, but replaced it with "sexual orientation disturbance" for people "in conflict with" their sexual orientation. They did not completely remove homosexuality from the DSM until 1987.

#lgbtq #aversion #dsm #homophobia #psychiatry

Last updated 2 years ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
58 followers · 595 posts · Server

I’m one of those who fights battles with and at home. No, it’s not . It’s more about the hills we climb to establish and maintain on a task. I reach a point of and then I . In some ways, if I could stop myself hitting mental then the take themselves are easy. Then can build, and there’s my natural of people. Maybe I just need to hire a . @actuallyautistic

#clutter #piles #hoarding #mental #momentum #overload #shutdown #Barriers #shame #aversion #housekeeper #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Brightus Garlicus · @brightusgalicus
74 followers · 202 posts · Server

Buddhism talks a great deal about attachment but a little less about aversion. Both are connected.

We humans spend so much effort avoiding things that really matter, that it makes us and those around us sick. Peel away the mask and the role and see the aspect in play and see what you're avoiding. Because aversion shortens your life and makes you miserable.

I am currently avoiding working on a novel!
And what a joy it is! Novels hurt!

#suffering #life #relationships #avoidance #aversion

Last updated 2 years ago

Grace :laserkiwi: · @explorergrace
1752 followers · 4398 posts · Server

I have an
To the ground, it seems
I can't get away from it
Fast enough

Take me to the sea
And let me drift

Or let me weave
Between the clouds

Let me crawl down a cave
And hibernate

Or climb a tree
And find sanctuary

I could quite happily
Never touch the ground again

Why should I?

#aversion #MastoPrompt #smallpoems #poetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Algot · @Algot
1534 followers · 17562 posts · Server

I prefer a cheerful attitude
Filled with joy and gratitude.
Though you might think
That I state a silly platitude.

Of this I am positive,
I have an
To a negative version
Of myself.


#MastoPrompt #smallpoems #aversion

Last updated 2 years ago

Tanweer Dar (Tan) · @tanweerdar
570 followers · 1135 posts · Server

Today's for is...

The poem can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.

#aversion #Poetry #smallpoems #MastoPrompt

Last updated 2 years ago

OrdabChao23 · @ordabchao
82 followers · 1665 posts · Server

"How can you doubt, now , here with the & of ALL Politrickters on FULL display, How can you doubt that ALL worldly sources of refuge will fail you? The myriad of those things-created-to-distract will fail to bring you true happiness. You will get at most a few brief moment of sensual gratification. Like drops of water on a Hot Stone they will vanish all in a puff of steam." -Words to myself

#ignorance #aversion #delusions

Last updated 3 years ago