Here’s a #postcard showing the library at Avery Hill College, This was a teacher training college established by the London County Council in 1906. It merged in 1985 with Thames Polytechnic, which became in 1992 the University of #Greenwich
Its location, Avery Hill House, was originally the home fo john Thomas North, who made a fortune in sodium nitrate, also known as Chile Saltpetre
#averyhill #highereducation #HigherEducationPostcard #greenwich #postcard
Just backed @odpomery 's The Hard Switch from @averyhillpubl
Owen's previous graphic novel, Victory Point, was one of my favourite books of 2020 (reviewed here)
#comics #GraphicNovels #books #livres #BandeDessinee #Kickstarter #OwenDPomery #TheHardSwitch #AveryHill #VictoryPoint #fundraiser
#fundraiser #victorypoint #averyhill #thehardswitch #owendpomery #kickstarter #bandedessinee #livres #books #graphicnovels #comics
Good #comics mail day!
I backed Avery Hill 's spring slate; Ellice Weaver's Big Ugly (with natty matching book mark) arrived. Also treated myself to Zoe Thorogood's Impending Blindness of Billie Scott while I was at it.
Now all I need is time to read them! With two three-author panels to chair coming up soon, they may have to wait a few weeks!
#books #livres #GraphicNovels #BandeDessinee #bandesdessinée #AveryHill #ElliceWeaver #ZoeThorogood #IndyPublishing #bookstagram
#bookstagram #indypublishing #zoethorogood #elliceweaver #averyhill #bandesdessinee #bandedessinee #graphicnovels #livres #books #comics