Akire Bubar · @akirebubar
22 followers · 124 posts · Server toot.cat

And just like that, the poetry comics chapbook is *FINISHED*.❤️ OMG, can you believe it? I can't. Not just the comics, but *all* of it. Wow.
Since I posted this drawing to Patreon, I've been busy working on a website for the chapbook, figuring out fundraising ideas, and talking to the printer. I'm thinking of offering this particular drawing as a print — what do you think? Wouldn't this crow look great on your wall? *I* think so!
I'm both over-the-top excited to finally be done, and utterly at a loss for how to celebrate. Isn't that weird? So I'm trying to do that at least a little bit right here, right now. I made a Really Cool Thing! I still have to *get it out into the world* — but I made The Thing, and it's beautiful, and I'm proud. /1

#comicspoetry #PoetryComics #comics #illustration #poetrycomicschapbook #patreon #DisabledArtist #supportthearts #comicbooks #holycrapitsdone #crows #birds #avianart #firstflight #chapbook #finishedproject #finishedandproud

Last updated 1 year ago