@NJDavidD i feel that. I really want to argue, sorry, comment about how you don't need the tech background to design modern AV systems. Sure, you can be the tech but today's engineers go well beyond the wiring diagram.
If you're organization is set up for it, there's also a path for project managers without tech experience. Understanding and supporting the organizational structure is where many companies, especially those who expand quickly, fail.
One other thought: Companies need to teach leadership skills. Management skills are necessary and good but leaders are required in successful companies.
@NJDavidD - Because I'm the curious type, and I'm procrastinating about going out today, I checked in on #AVinTheAM today.
2 replies total in the first 8 minutes after the questions were posted. I'm sure it will pick up a little as the morning goes on but....
Back to thinking about what could be next.
@NJDavidD - Good thing it's a holiday weekend. I'm not sure what you and @Chris_Neto are planning for the future of #AVinTheAM but it doesn't seem like Twitter is the place to be.
#AVinTheAM is about #Infocomm23
Tomorrow is my travel day. Hope the weather cooperates.
I'll be pretty easy to recognize with my mask and my pins.
@NJDavidD thanks, David.
I am so tired of the #WFH questions on #AVinTheAM
Is there really some incredible answer out there that some #avtweep will respond with to shed light into the dark abyss of data that's already out there??
@NJDavidD AV play here? Shut up and make the tech work.
Oh, too blunt? Sorry, but we have a job to do. That job is helping others get their job done by providing the right tech in the right place and making it work.
In general, know what your employees do and how they work. Some jobs can't be done off-site. Other jobs can be done successfully by remote employees. Understand how remote work can be an asset when seeking new talent.
@NJDavidD The gap has to do with not setting a complete SOW upfront. That sounds so simple to correct but most don't go deep enough.
The plates installed. Ok, is testing the connectors on the plate part of being "done".
Yes, I've seen this. Yes, you got to go deeper. Don't assume.
@NJDavidD Diversity. Either you admit that it's part of your work or you will get left behind and lose access to the best talent.
@NJDavidD Content and viewing distance. What's on the display and how far away is the closest and farthest viewer?
Know that and the rest goes back to other considerations such as environment, lighting, service, and price.
Christopher Neto CTS
Q5 We are 13 days from #infocomm23. Let's play a pre-show "Hot or Not": AI, Spatial Audio, Employee Retention, Hybrid Event, Home Studio & Multi-Cam are just a few. Which do u tag as hot or not? Any other Marketing Buzzwords trending Hot or Not heading into the show? #AVintheAm
Christopher Neto CTS
Q4 Direct View LED vs LED/LCD Video Panels Vs Projection. Which of these do you get most inquiries for "Big Video" vs actual installation? Instead of price how do you explain (in layman's terms) the science of video to an uneducated buyer looking for a BIG screen? #AVinTheAm
Christopher Neto CTS
Q3 I've seen this debated before, There is "Done" and then there is "Done, Done". Can you explain the difference and what the gap is between the 2? Has this term evolved over the past 3 years? Has any new terms emerged in the Done vs Done, Done struggle? #AVinTheAM #avtweeps
Christopher Neto CTS
Q2 Hot Desking/Hoteling. Do they mean the same thing? Does Hoteling solve the "Back to Office" dilemma? I don't think it's meant to reduce the physical footprint (leased space) so what is the angle? What are the +/-? Where is the play for AV here? #AVintheAm
Christopher Neto CTS
Q1 A lot of talk this week (and in recent articles) around Artificial Intelligence/Generative AI. How important to #AI to AV? How will it impact AV #jobs & should we be concerned today? How about positive uses inside AV companies? is it too soon? if so when? #AVintheAm
#AVinTheAM Questions of the week.
Feel free to chime in. Questions this week come from a higher Ed perspective.
#avintheam #avtweeps #avtoots #proav
On Monday's @PolyWeeklyNews I'm joined by Industry Icon @chris_neto as we discuss our careers & his journey to becoming an AV Influencer & #AVInTheAM founder.
May 8 @ 10am EDT on all @PolyCompany social channels, or anytime after on demand at http://TinyURL.com/PolyWeeklyNews
RT @chris_neto
Hey #AVinTheAm, It's happening at #Infocomm23!
Would an Evite work best for your calendars #avtweeps?
See you there ๐โ๏ธ๐ค
#avtweeps #infocomm23 #avintheam