#CfP for the #conference "Social and #Environmental (In)Justice in Discourse & in the #Literary/Artistic Imagination", which will take place at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of the University of Tunis on November 8-10, 2023.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 4, 2023
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/social-and-environmental-injustice-in-discourse-in-the-literaryartistic-imagination/ #ecocriticism #avldigitalnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #Postcolonial #Intermediality
#cfp #conference #environmental #literary #ecocriticism #avldigitalnews #Postcolonial #intermediality
Die Nantes Université (#NantesUniv) bietet eine weitere Doktorandenstellen für das Programm " L'ERC TranslAtWar" an, die sich "la #traduction littéraire, les traducteurs et les pratiques éditoriales en Italie durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale" widmen soll.
🗓️Bewerbungsfrist: 18. August 2023
📌Weitere Informationen:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/job/lerc-translatwar-recrute-1-doctorante-supplementaire-nantes/ #avldigitalnews #translation @litstudies @italianstudies #Ubersetzung
#nantesuniv #traduction #avldigitalnews #translation #Ubersetzung
The #symposium "Coding Utopias", an ICI Berlin (#iciberlin) event organized in collaboration with the Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut at FU Berlin and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, will take place on September 28-29, 2023 in Berlin.
📌Further Information: https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/event/coding-utopias/ #avldigitalnews @litstudies #utopia
#symposium #iciberlin #avldigitalnews #utopia
#CfP for the #panel "#Music in Literature", which will take place at the Northeast MLA (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) Convention (Boston) on March 7, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: Sept. 30, 2024
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/music-in-literature-nemla-2024-boston-ma/ #avldigitalnews @litstudies
#cfp #panel #music #nemla #northeastmla #avldigitalnews
#CfP for the #panel "#Translation Studies", which will take place at the Northeast MLA (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) Convention (Boston) on March 7, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: Sept. 30, 2024
📌Further Information:
#avldigitalnews @litstudies
#cfp #panel #translation #nemla #northeastmla #avldigitalnews
#CfP for the #panel "#Dostoevsky's Women and the Image of the Femme Fatale in the European #Novel", which will take place at the Northeast MLA (#NeMLA
#northeastMLA) Convention (Boston) on March 7, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: Sept. 30, 2024
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/dostoevskys-women-and-the-image-of-the-femme-fatale-in-the-european-novel-nemla-2024-boston-ma/ #avldigitalnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #gender
#cfp #panel #dostoevsky #novel #nemla #northeastmla #avldigitalnews #gender
#CfP for the #panel "Writing in the 'alterity industry': #Marginalized #authors and the politics of #publishing", which will take place at the Northeast MLA (#NeMLA) (#northeastMLA) Convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/writing-in-the-alterity-industry-marginalized-authors-and-the-politics-of-publishing-nemla-bos/ #avldigitalnews @litstudies #postcolonial
#cfp #panel #marginalized #authors #publishing #nemla #northeastmla #avldigitalnews #Postcolonial
#CfP for the panel "Insignificant Notations: Thinking Surplus with the New York School", which will take place at the Northeast MLA (#NeMLA) (#northeastMLA) Convention (Boston) on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30,2023
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/insignificant-notations-thinking-surplus-with-the-new-york-school-nemla-boston-ma/ #avldigitalnews @litstudies #NewYorkSchool #LiteraryTheory
#cfp #nemla #northeastmla #avldigitalnews #NewYorkSchool #literarytheory
#CfP for the #panel "Émigré Berlin: The Russian #Diaspora in #Exile", which will take place at the Northeast MLA (#NeMLA) (#northeastMLA) #Convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information:
https://avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/callforpapers/emigre-berlin-the-russian-diaspora-in-exile-nemla-2024-northeast-mla-nemla-convention-2024-b/ #avldigitalnews @litstudies @germanistik
#cfp #panel #diaspora #exile #nemla #northeastmla #convention #avldigitalnews