A 230-year-old house called #JampolisCottage in #Avonport has been donated to the #WritersFederation of #NovaScotia .
The property sits along the shores of the #MinasBasin with a view of #CapeBlomidon .
#Americans Neil and Jane Jampolis were award-winning scenic and lighting designers. They bought the property in 1996.
#jampoliscottage #avonport #writersfederation #novascotia #minasbasin #capeblomidon #americans #trustdonation #Maritimes #canada #writerretreats
Have you been to the Annapolis Valley area of Nova Scotia? #WAYCTV?
Points of Interest include:
- Gaspereau River Tubing
- Blue Beach Fossil Museum
- Cape Split Hiking
- Hantsport Beach
White Rock Rentals
- Fish ladder
https://www.google.com/maps/place/45%C2%B003'23.0%22N+64%C2%B023'44.7%22W/@45.0614454,-64.4098649,6317m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xabd509b612e68f03!8m2!3d45.056385!4d-64.395759 #Wolfville #Fishing #Avonport #Hantsport #Blomidon #CapeSplit #NovaScotia #biking #hiking #Tubing #Snowshoeing #Travel #Tourism #Valley #Fossils #CrossCountrySkiing
#WAYCTV #wolfville #Fishing #avonport #hantsport #blomidon #capesplit #novascotia #biking #hiking #tubing #snowshoeing #travel #tourism #valley #fossils #crosscountryskiing
I probably have twice as many foggy photos as clear ones, but I still stop at Vimy Memorial, for a photo or two, when I pass .. Not the best, but it surfaced just now @karencookphotos #WAYCTV It's actually "Veterans Memorial View Park" with a look off
#Avonport #NovaScotia #AppleFarms
#WAYCTV #avonport #novascotia #applefarms