After I replicated @BatchDrake I2C over coax setup (, I wondered if the #RaspberryPi 's outputs are weak. Tonight, I finally got a few minutes to try out a similar thing on a #AVR #ATmega48P. I fed the SPI clock output through the same 30.5m coax. It looks quite good!
This time, the setup was a bit different, the connections were:
AVR -> ~1m long coax -> T adapter to channel 3 (cyan) -> long coax -> T adapter to channel 4 (green) -> 30dB attenuator as a 50ohm load
Just discovered Enhanced Music Controller.
It finally allows me to control my Pioneer A/V receiver without their buggy app 👏
For download/app store links and a list of supported devices see
#AVR #pioneer #EnhancedMusicController #RemoteControl #music #oss #FreeSoftware #fdroid
#avr #pioneer #enhancedmusiccontroller #remotecontrol #music #oss #freesoftware #fdroid
Since #Debian still haven't got around to shipping any non-absolutely-ancient `avr-libc` files, I've written another "reminder to self" blog post about how to build for the new #AVR ATtiny 2-series chips, as a followup to my previous 1-series one.
I wrote up the “’Instant’ resistor measurer” I designed and made a few years ago on my blog!
#electronics #diyelectronics #avr
Testing a use case for #RISC_OS on #RaspberryPi Thanks to #USB Serial #RISCOS can now talk to external devices such as #8bit #AVR #Arduino
Testing with tiny #BASIC #projectRIO
#Ad from @PCBWay with thanks to @ElainePCBWay
#risc_os #raspberrypi #usb #riscos #8bit #avr #arduino #basic #ProjectRIO #ad
A driver for an ST7735 colour TFT display running on an #AVR #ATtiny microcontroller. What's great about mine is that I can read values back from the display, by putting the SPI controller into hiZ output to read the bizarre half-duplex IO mode this display chip uses.
(The actual colours on the display look much nicer to the eye than my phone camera can pick up)
I have two #avr questions and I'm hoping to find one or two folks who can answer them before I make an account on the AVR forum.
First, how does one load a byte from a pointer and increment that pointer? Here's a few screenshots to show what I'm doing.
I've been building a MAX7221-inspired #ATmega48 -powered code to drive up to 16 7-segment digit display. For whatever reason, it was trying to display N-1 blanks and a "0" as the first digit when fed with valid #SPI input. After several evenings of debugging, I realized that I had the SDI wire hooked up to the wrong pin on the #AVR. *facepalm* Moving the wire to the correct place made everything work. #electronics
#electronics #avr #spi #atmega48
I though I’d learn #Morse code and #AVR programming at the same time. I started with an ATmega48P gating a 555 generating a tone. But that’s boring. So, I extended my code to generate #MIDI messages toggling D#6 on and off. #hamradio #electronics
#electronics #hamradio #midi #avr #morse
Андрій Філ пише:
прийняли мій коміт в AVRAda_MCU
який дає можливість конвертувати atdf в адовські файли
це 211 мікроконтролерів на відміну від 94 що вже є в проєкті
OK. Conjecture: Apple will have some fairly tight integration between their A/VR headset, Apple Watch and Apple Pencil. If it doesn’t, I’ll be disappointed. Both the watch and pencil are unique to Apple. Anyone can do AVR.
Will we get a SightKit?
Too many improvements and fixes to our hardware support on RP2040, ESP32, AVR, STM32, and RISCV platforms to list here! Just go get 'em
#golang #tinygo #embedded #microcontrollers #rp2040 #riscv #esp32 #avr #stm32
#golang #tinygo #embedded #microcontrollers #rp2040 #riscv #esp32 #avr #stm32
Audio Playback Toy For DSP Adventures - The declining costs of single-board computers has made serious computing power ava... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #avr128da28 #interrupt #memory #op-amp #audio #speed #adc #avr #dac
#dac #avr #adc #speed #audio #op #memory #interrupt #avr128da28 #microcontroller #microcontrollers
Audio Playback Toy For DSP Adventures #Microcontrollers #microcontroller #AVR128DA28 #interrupt #memory #op-amp #audio #speed #adc #AVR #dac
#Microcontrollers #microcontroller #avr128da28 #interrupt #memory #op #audio #speed #adc #avr #dac
Blinky and UART TX on the ATtiny414. Cute processor in an SOIC-14 package and runs at 20 MHz. It requires only VCC and GND to run. Programming occurs via the RESET/UPDI pin. I use JTAG2UPDI from github on an Arduino Nano as programmer. Unfortunately, AVR-GCC does not have the headers or libc for this uC by default. #embedded #avr
Using card edge connectors for #AVR programming and debugging. #NoMore6PHeaders