On This Day 24th February 2015 (February 24, 2015): WZ736, Avro 707A, Royal Air Force, on display at MOSI Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, 24th February 2015.
This plane was used to test technology used in the Avro 698 Vulcan bomber.
#Manchester #MOSI #MuseumOfScienceAndIndustry #museum #Avro #Avro707 #RAF #RoyalAirForce
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
#manchester #mosi #museumofscienceandindustry #museum #avro #avro707 #raf #royalairforce #avgeek #aviation #planespotting #photography
WZ736, Avro 707, Royal Air Force, on display at MOSI Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester, 24th Feebruary 2015.
#avgeek #planespotting #manchester #museumOfScienceAndIndustry #mosi #museum #avro #avro707 #royalAirForce
#royalairforce #avro707 #avro #museum #mosi #museumOfScienceAndIndustry #manchester #planespotting #avgeek