‘In Defense of the Genre’: Best Punk & Emo Songs of August #2023_08_31 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #arms_length #awakebutstillinbed #broken_vow #bvhome #equipment #free_throw
>> https://www.brooklynvegan.com/10-best-punk-emo-hardcore-songs-of-august-2023/
#2023_08_31 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #arms_length #awakebutstillinbed #broken_vow #bvhome #equipment #free_throw
Our Favorite Songs of the Week (playlist) #2023_08_18 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #a_beacon_school #amor_muere #awakebutstillinbed #axissova #benny_the_butcher #bv_weekly_playlist
>> https://www.brooklynvegan.com/our-favorite-songs-of-the-week-playlist-125/
#2023_08_18 #brooklynvegan #brooklynvegan_staff #music_news #a_beacon_school #amor_muere #awakebutstillinbed #axissova #benny_the_butcher #bv_weekly_playlist
awakebutstillinbed – “airport” & “redlight” #2023_08_15 #stereogum #new_music #awakebutstillinbed
>> https://www.stereogum.com/2233140/awakebutstillinbed-airport-redlight/music/
#2023_08_15 #stereogum #new_music #awakebutstillinbed
Home is Where announce new LP & US tour (watch "yes! yes! a thousand times yes!" video) #2023_04_25 #brooklynvegan #amanda_hatfield #music_news #tour_dates #awakebutstillinbed #home_is_where #smidley #your_arms_are_my_cocoon
#2023_04_25 #brooklynvegan #amanda_hatfield #music_news #tour_dates #awakebutstillinbed #home_is_where #smidley #your_arms_are_my_cocoon
Home Is Where share 'I Became Birds' tribute LP ft. Parannoul, awakebutstillinbed & more #2023_03_06 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #asian_glow #awakebutstillinbed #heccra #home_is_where #lobsterfight #parannoul
#2023_03_06 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #music_news #asian_glow #awakebutstillinbed #heccra #home_is_where #lobsterfight #parannoul
Parannoul, Asian Glow, awakebutstillinbed, & More Contribute To Home Is Where Tribute Compilation #2023_03_05 #stereogum #new_music #asian_glow #awakebutstillinbed #heccra #home_is_where #lobsterfight #parannoul #stomach_book
>> https://www.stereogum.com/2215877/home-is-where-tribute-compilation/music/
#2023_03_05 #stereogum #new_music #asian_glow #awakebutstillinbed #heccra #home_is_where #lobsterfight #parannoul #stomach_book
today's #music
(don't worry, I'm okay)
The Sports - Don't Throw Stones (1979)
#Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance (2003)
#awakebutstillinbed - what people call low self-esteem is really just seeing yourself the way that other people see you (2018)
#TheHotelier - Home, Like Noplace Is There (2014)
The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die - Whenever, If Ever (2013)
#SororityNoise - You’re Not As _____ As You Think (2017)
#ModernBaseball - Holy Ghost (2016)
#music #emo #thrice #awakebutstillinbed #thehotelier #sororitynoise #modernbaseball