My article on Photography and Social Justice was just re-published in Full Frame #photography #socialjustice #sociology #awareness #action #activism
#photography #socialjustice #sociology #awareness #action #activism
@tagnachtlampe Genau darauf will ich hinaus und ich fühle [ja, bei mir ist viel Fühlen und wenig Wissen], dass das eine der Schranken ist, gegen die wir alle ständig rennen. Kann ich mich übrigens beileibe nicht von frei machen, ich probiere es nur. Zuende gedacht hat das aber eine Radikalität, der ich selbst nicht im Ansatz gerecht werde. Der Weg ist das Ziel, erreichen werden wir's nie, aber ich bin überzeugt, jeder gegangene Schritt darauf hat einen Nutzen. #awareness
Das deutsche Frühstücksfernsehprogramm von @rtlnieuws hat gerade (in "Punkt 7") über die Sicherheit von Autos berichtet. Gezeigt wird ein Mann dessen Auto vom Abstellplatz vor seinem Haus gestohlen wurde (per keyless go). Er sagt, das dürfe bei einem Auto für 70000 Euro nicht passieren, er und seine Familie leiden seither unter Schlafstörungen, er schließt das Gartentor jetzt ab und läßt nachts den Hund raus als Wache. Der Moderator und die Moderatorin von RTL sagen, sie würden gleich nach der Sendung schauen ob ihre Autos noch da sind und ab sofort ihre Schlüssel in Funk-geschützte Hüllen tun.
#datenschuz #mozilla #rtl #awareness
Next up, we have some awareness campaign with fashion - one that, honestly, I'm really not sure about. "Feminine Rebellion" can be portrayed in way more positive ways, I think. But hey, let's see what you think.
Fashionista: Poster Girl's Viral Spring 2024 Campaign
#fashion #campaign #social #awareness
Czytałeś o ataku na “rekrutację Comarch”? Zobacz jak wyglądał od środka odświeżony atak na pranie brudnych pieniędzy
TL;DR – Pojawił się nowy wariant oszustwa na muła finansowego. Prześledziliśmy zmiany. Jakiś czas temu pisaliśmy o phishingu na tzw. muła finansowego. Dla przypomnienia idąc za definicją z Europolu: muł finansowy to osoba, która przekazuje pieniądze innej osobie (cyfrowo lub w gotówce), otrzymane od osoby trzeciej, za co uzyskuje prowizję....
#aktualnosci #awareness #cyberzboje
- Je stuurt een mail naar 3 personen van andere organisaties.
- In de eerste reply wordt aan het onderwerp met grote letters toegevoegd [EXTERN] waardoor de eigenlijke titel verder uit beeld raakt.
- In de 2de reply gooit een organisatie een felgekleurde banner boven aan mijn inkomende mail zag ik: Let op deze gebruiker komt niet van hier!
- In de 3de reply weer een banner maar dan natuurlijk in een andere huisstijl.
Wir haben gestern zusammen mit AZ Hafermarkt einen Vortrag zu Antisexistische #Awareness organisiert und dazu Navina als Referent*in eingeladen.
Wir tragen alle dazu bei Partys, Räume, Orte... sicherer zu machen und uns im Umgang mit sexualisierter Gewalt und #Diskriminierungen zu bilden gehört auch dazu!
Wir haben im Shop dieses Buch:
Und hier gibt's ne Broschüre kostenlos als PDF:
Option 1 & 2 is already #enough a lot, but still if u are #someone who #forgets these #precautionaries #easily, #better go for a #charge only #cable. If u aren't #careful, #malicious #people may #steal #data, #control ur #phone by #installing #malware or #spyware without u #noticing #anything.
#Help ur Android #friends with this #awareness
#awareness #friends #Help #anything #noticing #spyware #Malware #installing #Phone #control #Data #steal #people #malicious #careful #cable #charge #better #easily #precautionaries #forgets #someone #enough
Option 1 & 2 is already enough a lot, but still if u are someone who forgets these precautionaries easily, better go for a charge-only cable. If u aren't careful, malicious people may steal data, control ur phone by installing malware or spyware without u noticing anything.
#Help ur Android #friends with this #awareness
99% of Nigerians are crypto aware - Consensys report - A survey featuring respondents from all seven continents of the w... - #cryptocurrency #awareness. #consensys #nigeria #survey
#survey #nigeria #consensys #awareness #cryptocurrency
Kleine Leseempfehlung, miau 🌟🐈⬛🐾
Ich rede dann jetzt mal #2023, #Awareness, #Emotionale_Distanz, #Gesellschaft, #Leben_mit_dem_Trauma, #Schmerz, #Sprechen, #Widersprüche
#widerspruche #sprechen #schmerz #leben_mit_dem_trauma #gesellschaft #emotionale_distanz #awareness
Antarctic krill are eating microplastics. What does this mean for the food chain? 🤔
#microplastics #antarctickrill #foodchain #pollution #climatechange #awareness
#microplastics #antarctickrill #foodchain #pollution #climatechange #awareness
Are you feeling anxious or depressed about climate change? You're not alone. 🥺
#climatechange #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #awareness
#climatechange #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #awareness
#Question: I do not want a set of rules for being "aware", but I should very much like to understand #awareness. Must not great effort be made to be aware of each thought as it arises, before one arrives at the state of effortlessness?
#Krishnamurti: Why do you want to be aware? What is the need of being aware? If you are perfectly satisfied as you are, continue in that way. When you say, "I must be aware", you are merely making awareness another end to be attained, and by that means you will never become aware. You have disposed of one set of rules, and now you are creating another set, instead of trying to be aware when you are in a great crisis, when you are suffering.
As long as you seek comfort and security, as long as you are at your ease, you merely consider the matter intellectually, and say, "I must be aware." But when in the midst of suffering you try to find out the significance of suffering, when you do not try to escape from it, when in a crisis you arrive at a decision - not born of choice, but of action itself - then you really become aware. But when you are trying to escape, your attempt to be aware is futile. You don't really want to be aware, you don't want to discover the cause of suffering; your whole concern is with escape.
You come here and listen to my telling you that to escape from conflict is futile. Yet you desire to escape. So you really mean, "How can we do both?" Surreptitiously, cunningly, in the back of your minds you want the religions, the gods, the means of escape that you have cleverly invented and built up through the centuries. Yet you listen to me when I say that you will never find truth through the guidance of another, through escape, through the search for security, which results only in eternal loneliness. Then you ask, "How are we to attain both? How are we to compromise between escape and awareness?" You have confused the two and you seek a compromise; therefore you ask, "How am I to become aware?" But if, instead of this, you frankly say to yourself, "I want to escape, I want comfort", then you will find exploiters to give you want you want. You yourself have created exploiters because of your desire to escape. Find out what you want, become aware of what you crave; then the question of awareness will not arise. Because you are lonely you want consolation. But if you seek consolation, be honest, be frank, be aware of what you want and conscious that you are seeking it. Then we can understand the matter.
I can tell you that from dependence on another, from the search for comfort, results eternal loneliness. I can make this plain to you, and you, in turn, may agree or disagree. I can show you that in want there is eternal emptiness and nothingness. But you derive satisfaction from sensation, from pleasure, from passing joys that fill your wants, your desires. Then, when I show you the falsity of want, you do not know how to act. So, as a compromise, you begin to discipline yourself, and this attempt to discipline destroys your creative living. When you really perceive the absurdity, the emptiness of want, then that want falls away from you without your effort. But as long as you are enslaved to the idea of choice, you have to make an effort, and from this arises as an opposite the desire for awareness, the problem of living without effort.
#question #awareness #Krishnamurti
"The greatest remedy for anger is delay."
#QuotesOfTheDay #DailyThoughts #Stoicism #Philosophy #Awareness #Life
#Life #awareness #philosophy #stoicism #dailythoughts #quotesoftheday
CERT Polska spacyfikował ogromną kampanię phishingową. A dokładniej – przeszło 200 kampanii. Prawie 70 000 wykradzionych loginów/haseł do skrzynek pocztowych.
O akcji pochwalił się na Twitterze Iksie CERT Polska: Jak widzicie, w pewien sposób udało się ekhem… pozyskać dane 68 tys. danych uwierzytelniających do skrzynek pocztowych. Baza jest już zaimportowana do serwisu więc warto zrobić rutynowe sprawdzenie na swoim mailu… Nieco więcej detali podaje Troy Hunt. Kampanie zaczynały się...
Auf dem#CLPC23 in Berlin spielen wir mit Spielführerin Isabelle Kranabetter das Simulationsspiel Dataversed! Ein Game-based Learning mit der Balance zwischen Spielspaß & Lerneffekt Wir tauschen uns aus und testen das Spiel. Es geht um wichtige Prinzipien im Game Design sowie, die richtige Balance zwischen Spielspaß & Lerneffekt.
Das Simulationsspiel schafft niedrigschwellig #Awareness zu den Potentialen von Daten und der neuen Art der Zusammenarbeit, die wir dafür aufbauen sollten.
#PrimeVideo pone fecha de estreno para la película #Awareness
📆 Mark you calendars for TUESDAY, August 29th if you're interested in this beautiful set of Nail Polish Strips in support of #Pregnancy and #InfantLoss #Awareness.💝
👼Angel Wings👼 ~ a limited-edition white shimmer nail design with pink and blue reverse gradients
#awareness #infantloss #pregnancy
Good afternoon. The year is 2023 and web browsers still do not have notifications permission on my computer for any reason.
There are already numerous ways to compete for my attention and does not need to even get the chance to ask me if it can send me notifications the moment it loads. 😉
#digitalhygiene #attention #distraction #awareness #etc