RT @Taku_Artworks@twitter.com
Not gonna lie a part of me will always miss the nose
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Taku_Artworks/status/1596992938885935105
On this week's #VTuber NewsDrop:
💎 #AWholeNewHOPE
❓ Is #BondEN off to a rocky start?
👎 "Fan" harasses VTuber across dimensions—what could be the consequences?
➕ and more news from last week!
#vtuber #awholenewhope #bonden
RT @BrianTsuii@twitter.com
【お仕事告知】ホロライブENの IRyS の新ビジュアルモデルを担当させて頂きましたー!
Live2D commission for Hololive EN IRyS (@irys_en@twitter.com) new visual model!
作画 Illust : redjuice先生 (@shiru@twitter.com)
Live2D: Brian Tsui (@BrianTsuii@twitter.com)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BrianTsuii/status/1596700922242965504
RT @shiru@twitter.com
本日お披露目された、IRySちゃん新ビジュアルのデザイン、IRyS 2022 Winter Version Designsを公開しました! https://redjuice.fanbox.cc/posts/4832534?utm_campaign=manage_post_page&utm_medium=share&utm_source=twitter
#IRyS #hololiveEN #AWholeNewHOPE
#irys #hololiveen #awholenewhope