I rarely use #awk for more than one-liners but I'm always impressed about what's possible with it
jqコマンドのストリーミング処理 (--stream) をパイプでawkにつなぐ方法のまとめ
#qiita #ShellScript #Bash #AWK #UNIX
#qiita #shellscript #bash #awk #unix
#awk decimal to binary digits
@chrys My daily use command line productivity tools are:
1. #readline support. C-a, C-e, C-r and tab-completion will save you h o u r s (M-f, M-b are second-tier here)
2. less and tail
3. #grep
4. #ssh and scp *esp with keys*
5. #bash scripting *on the command line*. that is, writing this in a single line: "while true; do CMD; sleep 1s; done" (more general and less fragile than `watch`)
6. cut and tr (for simple "parse every line of output" situations)
#readline #grep #ssh #bash #sed #awk
Unfassbar, wie viele Möglichkeiten Linux bietet! 💻🐧 Von der #Commandline gibt es zahlreiche nützliche Befehle: #grep filtert Texte, #sed bearbeitet sie & #awk macht komplexe Datenanalyse. Mit #bash #Skripten automatisiere ich Aufgaben. Open Source rocks! 🙌 #LinuxTricks
#commandline #grep #sed #awk #bash #skripten #linuxtricks
Also need to try out some other #awk variants. #goawk looks pretty interesting.
I'm using #awk pretty much daily and I'm happy to see a 2nd Ed of this book coming out.
The AWK Programming Language, Second Edition
Create a stacked bar chart (Palmer penguins dataset) with just AWK and the command line.
#awk #sqlite
GNU BRE/ERE cheatsheet and differences between grep, sed and awk: https://learnbyexample.github.io/gnu-bre-ere-cheatsheet/
This is my blog post, serves as a reference for BRE/ERE regex flavors and highlights subtle differences between tools.
#linux #grep #sed #awk #regex #cheatsheet
It's been a while since I browsed "The AWK programming language" by Aho and Kernighan.
I had forgotten that, besides teaching the language, the book presents interesting program examples such as an assembler and virtual machine interpreter, a graph drawing language, and other little languages. Using a little language to Implement little languages is cool and kind of meta.
Mac ships with One True Awk, but it's a few years behind:
% awk --version
awk version 20200816
sudo port install nawk
% nawk --version
awk version 20211208
Well, that's a little better, tho there's patches from 2023 in the repo. I just don't wanna pull, build, have to remember to repull & build sometimes.
"This page is a placeholder for material related to the second edition of The AWK Programming Language. The first edition was written by Al Aho, Brian Kernighan and Peter Weinberger in 1988. Awk has evolved since then, there are multiple implementations, and of course the computing world has changed enormously. The new edition of the Awk book reflects some of those changes."
#awk #gnu #linux #bsd #unix #programming