My #SIL had to do few things in town so we're getting extra #baby Raven #QualityTime 🥰 He's chilling with us, til 3PM.
It's funny how Raven & Asher have similar #stunned face expressions here 😂
#AsianMastodon #FurFamily #Bonding #MyFirstNephew #BabyBoy #Family #AwkwardFamilyPhotos #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #furfamily #MixedFamily #BiracialBaby #FamilyPhoto #iLoveMyFamily
#sil #baby #qualitytime #stunned #asianmastodon #furfamily #bonding #myfirstnephew #babyboy #family #awkwardfamilyphotos #catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #mixedfamily #biracialbaby #familyphoto #ilovemyfamily
I love this #candid #FamilyPhoto 🥰 The #expressions on my youngest brother, Jerry's face & baby nephew's face are #hilarious 🤣 Mom is oblivious & in grandbaby obsessed mode😂
#candid #familyphoto #expressions #hilarious #myfamily #awkwardfamilyphotos #asianmastodon #teochew