And here we have #HenryRollins applying a nuclear-powered chainsaw to take down a hapless #BlackFlag fanboy who fancied himself as a roving reporter. Not very sporting, Henry! 😄
#henryrollins #blackflag #awkwardrockinterviews
@flockofnazguls I think this one also deserves to be on the list of #awkwardrockinterviews
Next up from the unrivaled master of #AwkwardRockInterviews: Lou Reed.
Here he's channeling Warhol's mannerisms to completely troll the Aussie press.
And here's perhaps the most infamous of all #AwkwardRockInterviews. Not surprisingly, again featuring #JohnLydon. 😄
#johnlydon #awkwardrockinterviews
First entry in a thread about #AwkwardRockInterviews.
First up: #PiL eviscerating two utterly clueless TV hosts.