bestätigt ja fast klischeehaft das Verhalten eines bestimmten Personenschlags
#AWM #immobilienhai #noafd #rechtehetze #lobbyismus #landtagswahlhessen
#LandtagswahlHessen #lobbyismus #rechtehetze #noafd #immobilienhai #awm
Arvo toots! Well, I just attended a brilliant zoom event on #FamilyHistory (really, you might want to mute that tag this month from me 🤣) on “Researching Through the Australian War Memorial” and wow. So much has changed since I used to volunteer and work with those records 30 years ago! So many more records digitised, although it’s still tricky finding where they are scattered across different databases. Much fun for me! #histodons #aushistorians #awm
#familyhistory #histodons #aushistorians #awm
Hello. I recently took a look at the works being done at the #AustralianWarMemorial and you might be interested in these photos. Sharing without comment on the merits or otherwise of what's underway.
Looking up #AnzacParade to the Memorial, a large crane breaks the view of Mount Ainslie behind it. Street level at the top of the Parade is a wide stretch of scaffolding covered by an image of the building's usual front vista.
From the lookout at Mount Ainslie some of the ground works being hidden by the scaffolding are visible.
Including a classic view looking down from Mount Ainslie, along the Parade and across the lake to old and new parliament houses and other national buildings in the parliamentary triangle. Stunning.
#AWM #Canberra #Australia #MountAinslie #BushCapital #AustralianParliamentHouse #APH #Bushland #Bush #Lake #LakeBurleyGriffin #Nature
#australianwarmemorial #anzacparade #awm #canberra #australia #mountainslie #bushcapital #australianparliamenthouse #aph #bushland #bush #lake #LakeBurleyGriffin #nature #lestweforget
Hello. I recently took a look at the works being done at the #AustralianWarMemorial and you might be interested in these photos. Sharing without comment on the merits or otherwise of what's underway.
Looking up #AnzacParade to the Memorial, a large crane break the view to Mount Ainslie behind it. Street level at the top of the Parade is a wide stretch of scaffolding covered by an image of the building's usual front vista.
From the lookout at Mount Ainslie some of the ground works being hidden by the scaffolding are visible.
Including a classic view looking down from Mount Ainslie, along the Parade and across the lake to old and new parliament houses and other national buildings in the parliamentary triangle. Stunning.
#AWM #Canberra #Australia #MountAinslie #BushCapital #AustralianParliamentHouse #APH #Bushland #Bush #Lake #LakeBurleyGriffin #Nature
#australianwarmemorial #anzacparade #awm #canberra #australia #mountainslie #bushcapital #australianparliamenthouse #aph #bushland #bush #lake #LakeBurleyGriffin #nature #lestweforget
#Wireguad supporté nativement sur les modems allemands d' #AWM :
@Enrique Ich habe echt keeeeiiiiine Ahnung, wieso mir Deutschland immer unsympathischer wird... 😒
#AfD #Reichsbuerger #FDP #CDUCSU #autolobby #DBIstKacke #KlimaLeugner #Rassismus #AWM #Bildungskrise
#SexismusIstLebensgefährlich #Kinderarmut #Querdenken #JanaAusKassel #Egoismus #wagenknecht_und_schwarzer
#AfD #reichsbuerger #fdp #CDUCSU #Autolobby #dbistkacke #klimaleugner #rassismus #awm #Bildungskrise #sexismusistlebensgefahrlich #Kinderarmut #querdenken #janaauskassel #egoismus #wagenknecht_und_schwarzer #scholzistkeinklimakanzler
Hey, fellow #math folks! I just got notice that #AWM the Association for Women in Mathematics has dates set for the Fall symposium. Check it out at
#mathconferences #womeninmath #awm #math
Als Feministin braucht man sich die patriarchalische, muffige, überholte Karnevals*tradition* von Sitzungen voller #awm nun wirklich nicht antun. 🤮
For the first time, a sculpture of a woman – and one to commemorate a nurse – will be installed in the grounds of the Australian War Memorial (AWM). #Canberra #AWM #nurses
@akonsto Ooh, this will be fun! Hope many people get involved in this! #AWM #JMM2023 #WomenInMathematics
#WomenInMathematics #JMM2023 #awm
The Association for Women in Mathematics (#AWM) will be hosting a 'Mathematicians+Wikipedia edit-a-thon' at #JMM2023. If you are heading to JMM this year, consider this opportunity to help reduce the 'Wikipedia gender gap'...
Ich stand heute das erste Mal als Fotomotiv vor der Kamera. So richtig mit Puder und so. :D
Schon komisch, wenn immer drei Leute an einem rumfummeln une der Fotograf Anweisungen gibt.
Für eine Kampagne des #AWM Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb von München, zum Thema #ZeroWaste.
Das Resultat wird aber wohl noch auf sich warten lassen.
War aber cool.
Gute Sache: Die Gelbe Tonne kommt nach München 🥨 Erstmal nur als Pilotversuch, aber immerhin.
Wenn der sehr volumenreiche Verpackungsmüll getrennt in der gebührenfreien gelben Tonne landet, kann man die gebührenpflichtige Restmülltonnen im Haus reduzieren 💸 Und die Trennquote wäre auch besser ♻️
A long time ago, I used to work on a project which helped relatives of those who died in WW1 get understand their records, and provided a printed certificate they could frame. I spent a lot of time with fragile paper records, deciphering scrawled pencil abbreviations, and straining over microfiche. I read the complete 12 volume War History by C.E.W. Bean, and many other primary sources and reference books.
It was a good service, not many people used it, and then the funding dried up for the project.
I’m glad to see that more letters, art, and diaries are gradually being digitised for anyone to view. This is what the Australian War Memorial should be spending their precious funding on, IMHO - not a new building which nobody wanted.
#awm #Australianhistory #australianwarmemorial
Heute mal wieder im Einsatz mit dem Kindermuseum und dem Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München. Die Klasse 5c hatte heute #müllmobil -Tag...
#awm #bildung #kindermuseum #münchen #umwelt #savemotherearth
#savemotherearth #umwelt #münchen #kindermuseum #bildung #awm #müllmobil
Heute mal wieder für den Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München als Abfallberater im Einsatz. Lust und Zeit vorbei zu schauen? Den Infostand findest du in der Carl-Wery-Straße am 17.10. von 15-17 Uhr.
(Innenhof der Carl-Wery-Straße 58 - 72)
#abfallberatung #umwelt #awm #münchen #neuhier #münchengegenmüll
#münchengegenmüll #neuhier #münchen #awm #umwelt #abfallberatung