Cindy Milstein · @cbmilstein
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(Part 4 of 6): By way of celebrating my new book “Try Anarchism for Life” being in print and out in the world, and because I have a backlog of photos of circle As in the wild, plus to honor and thank the folks who took the time and care to write blurbs for this book, here’s a trifecta of what I hope are some beautiful expressions of anarchism: street art + the book’s cover + a blurb.

I’ve been thinking a lot—or more than I already do—about “tipping points, when phenomena palpably shift from bad to worse—such as, to my queer Jewish anarchist mind, proto-fascism tipping to fascism after the US midterms—and how those of us who are anarchists see train wrecks coming long before the train has even left the station and beautifully prepare all sorts of infrastructures of way ahead of time. Infrastructures of , , , and . It’s shattering my heart that we must increasingly use those infrastructures *merely* to try to lessen the genocidal impacts of Christian fascism here. Yet they are also, always, gesturing toward .

“‘Try Anarchism for Life’ is both a beautiful homage to the countless fragments of ephemeral resistance that constitute everyday antiauthoritarianism and a principled call to commit to stitching together those fragments of daily autonomy-making into flourishing lives of resistance. Paired with unique renditions of the classic circle A, Milstein’s poetic phrases endow age-old concepts like mutual aid and solidarity with renewed vitality and urgency.”

—Mark Bray, author of “Antifa,” “The Anarchist Inquisition,” and “Translating Anarchy”

Copies of the book are available from the publisher, @tangledwild, at (for folks in and outside of the US too), @akpressdistro at, or your favorite anarchist(ic) bookstore, and libraries.

(photos: the rock-solid strength of our circles, as portrayed on a sticker seen in mid-Oct at @defendatlantaforest; beautiful book cover, designed by @eff_charm with circle A by @landonsheely)


#solidarity #MutualAid #communityselfdefense #RebelliousMourning #fiercelove #aworldwithoutfascism #TryAnarchismForLife #TheBeautyOfOurCircle #anarchismorfascism #fuckfascism #ftp #WeAreAllWeNeed

Last updated 2 years ago